are we living life at our full potential?

Is humanity thriving or merely surviving?

Our world, societies, civilization, and the power paradigm in which we live are completely out of balance by design of those driven by greed and a lust for power.  Despite the universe creating abundance, virtually everything is operating fully out of alignment with Natural Law, thus, scarcity, poor health, misery, and suffering are a daily reality for billions, even in wealthy nations. 

Understanding and implementing the most powerful force in the universe can turn it all around.

We are the ones we have been waiting for. The answers lie within our minds and our ability to think critically.  Humanity is under constant attack and the time has come for The Great Awakening which will be next truly profound leap in human evolution.  Are you ready to ascend to higher levels of consciousness and create a living paradise in this world? 




What is Natural Law?

Simply put, Natural Law is all objective truth as well as the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent force controlling everything in the universe. Everything in existence whether known or unknown is bound by its constraints and human beings were given the ability to understand, define and abide by these laws via our higher consciousness and through application of the scientific, Socratic and Trivium methods.

It is also a concept, ideology, and moral compass by which anyone can help to transform and improve any and every aspect of their life and to essentially make better and more positive decisions.  Once learned, we realize that at the root of every negative outcome we experience in life there is ultimately a violation of Natural Law!

Critical thinking is the primary foundation of living a life under Natural Law and yet, it is no longer a skill taught in our public school system. We’re no longer taught ‘how’ to think, but rather, ‘what’ to think. Sadly, this has had an overall negative effect on society and the individual, in general.

By learning the tools necessary to become a critical thinker, we can begin to shift our paradigms and perspectives of the world, make better choices, and develop better habits and rituals which will help  us to avoid suffering the consequences of violating Natural Law.

After adopting the skills of a critically thinking individual and creating these new habits, one is then able to maximize their full potential in the four most important areas of their lives:

Health, Fitness, Growth and Wealth.

“I maintain that cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest incitement to scientific research.

The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation.  …His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”


“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”― Herophilus

Optimal health is a critical piece of the foundation for achieving our highest potential in all areas of life.  Without good health, so many aspects of our lives can fall by the wayside as well as the goals and dreams we hope to achieve. 

By understanding Natural Law and aligning the body to the natural balance under which it is designed and intended to operate known as homeostasis,  we can learn to implement the simple basics of great health we’re never taught.  By doing this we can see and feel the results applying these principles can have in transforming our lives to one of peak fulfillment and enjoyment!


“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”

—  John F. Kennedy

Fitness is essentially the body’s ability to do any and everything the mind commands it to do. Physical exercise is not something that should be restricted to recess or gym class in school.  It is an absolute necessity and a basic law of nature for the body to stay active and maintain a certain level of fitness for achieving our full potential in other areas of our life – throughout our entire life – not just as a youthful endeavor to be cast aside as we enter adulthood.  Maintaining solid muscle mass enhances our metabolism, aids in insulin maintenance and keeps our joints strong well into our senior years, so it is important to add or continue resistance training always! It is also the perfect avenue to develop the discipline to maximize every other area of our lives!


“Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.”
– John C. Maxwell

Knowledge is the seed of all personal growth, positive action, the basis for attaining powerful confidence, and a vital key for maximizing our full potential no matter what our goals and ambition. The acquisition of knowledge is and should remain a constant throughout our lives, especially after we’ve left the education system despite our level of degree.

Consistently questioning our beliefs and challenging the status quo until we are certain that all ambiguity has been removed and we have arrived at objective truth is how we grow and evolve on a personal level as well as ascend to higher and higher levels of consciousness. Understanding and personally acting on that objective truth is the essence of living well under Natural Law, finding balance in life and working towards achieving our full potential in everything we are determined to accomplish.


“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."
-Henry David Thoreau

Wealth in society is greatly misunderstood and often maligned. One must understand that there are laws of nature that define right and wrong in economics. The most important are supply and demand as well as the creation of value for the consumer and investor, alike.  Anything that strays from basic Natural Law is a violation but the consequences are unfortunately suffered mostly by those who are on the bottom rung of the economic ladder.   Additionally, wealth creation must also respect the delicate balance of the natural world and the protection of our home, planet earth, first and foremost.

But, the desire to increase wealth in a moral and intentionally well-meaning way creates value for all parties involved.  The world needs to learn and understand the basic laws of economics and wealth creation to ever equalize the vast inequalities in the income gap.  True, responsible and morally regulated free market capitalism is the answer where a forced, top-down version of socialism is the ultimate disease to a thriving society.