Simply put, Natural Law is all objective truth as well as the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent force controlling everything in the known world. Everything in existence whether understood or unknown is bound by its constraints and human beings were given the ability to understand, define and abide by these laws via our higher consciousness and through application of the scientific, Socratic and Trivium methods.
It is also a concept, ideology, and moral compass by which anyone can help to transform and improve any and every aspect of their life and to essentially make better and more positive decisions. Once learned, we realize that at the root of every negative outcome we experience in life there is ultimately a violation of Natural Law!
Critical thinking is the primary foundation of living a life under Natural Law and yet, it is no longer a skill taught in our public school system. We’re not taught ‘how’ to think, but rather, ‘what’ to believe, without question or challenge to “authority.” Sadly, this has had an overall negative effect on society and the individual, in general.
By learning the tools necessary to become a critical thinker, we can begin to shift our paradigms and perspectives of the world, make better choices, and develop better habits which will help us to avoid suffering the consequences of violating Natural Law.
After adopting the skills of a critically thinking individual and creating these new habits, one is then able to maximize their full potential in the four most important areas of their lives:
Health, Fitness, Growth and Wealth.