Health Care is NOT a Right!

We’ve been told by the government and media ad nauseam that there is a health care “crisis” in this country (America), and that the government, insurance and health care industry themselves will solve the problem. Yet, here we are, almost the year 2020 and the overall health of our nation continues to decline, costs continue to rise and the insurance and health care industries are raking in record profits. Seems a bit fishy, doesn’t it?

Those who are telling you that you have a “right” to health care are simply those who stand to gain something from you believing that lie. Because our rights are simply defined by the incredibly wise and knowledgeable framers of the Declaration of Independence. And in this case, it fully means independence from oppressive government or anyone having any bit of control over your life or personal decisions. Our rights are simply, the right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS.


What you do with your life and freedom to pursue your happiness is your business and as long as you don’t infringe on those same rights of another human being, you should be fine. EVERYTHING else is something quite different.

Nowhere in that summation do we find a right to anything that requires the time and effort of another human being to serve us. When you look at cases globally where “health care” is controlled and doled out by government (supported by exorbitant taxation, premium and co-insurance rates in which the returns on investment are negligible), you’ll invariably find cases where someone who desperately needed medical care or surgery did NOT receive it because, for whatever reason, they were not deemed worthy of care or the system was so overwhelmed with patients that there simply was not time to see the patient and the patient was forced to wait days, weeks or even months for care. And this is the type of system for which all of the socialists are clamoring?!

This type of treatment is the logical end of people in a position of power claiming they have the magical pixie dust to give you something that you have not earned through your own efforts nor that they ever had the power to provide, either. But, that is essentially how government operates today and how they are able to get people to vote them into an office and position of power in which most if not all are grossly overpaid for the damage they inflict on our nation, society and the world. A brief look at the government food pyramid propagated for decades on perverted science and the resulting rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and a myriad of other chronic lifestyle diseases will show just how bad government policy can be for the population in general, when it comes to health.

So, if health care is not a “right,” then what is it? It’s simple. Health care, or the care of your health is a personal responsibility. Period. What has gone so wrong with what is referred to as a health care “industry” in this nation is a matter of money, power, influence, control and outright deception. The influence of the Medical Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and the insurance industry over government policy has made for a situation that is not at all in the best interest of the people.

The history of how this all happened is way too deep and convoluted for a short blog post such as this, but I may delve into the subject further in subsequent blogs. Suffice to say, the answer to the solutions human beings are seeking will never come from those who actually profit from illness. We must look to nature and the laws by which we are all bound for the answers. Once a critical mass of humanity awakens to this universal truth, the problems will resolve themselves of their own accord. And that is the power of Natural Law. Its very intention is to restore balance in nature and to be the great equalizer in all things.

So, what needs to happen instead of allowing corporations to write legislation that benefits their bottom line; instead of giving government more and more control over our lives and instead of believing that somehow our lifestyle diseases are a deficiency of chemical pharmaceuticals as opposed to a body out of balance with Natural Law? The key words here are, responsibility and accountability.

To start, all three entities need to be completely separated.

  1. The medical industry needs to be separated into different categories:
    1. Trauma Medicine (emergency and injury treatment) needs to be separated from disease medicine (lifestyle related).
    2. Holistic medicine (the science and practice of bringing the body into balance with nature) should be accessible to all and not subject to the ridicule that has historically been imposed on the idea of healing the whole body.
    3. The practice and “science” of allopathic medicine either needs to be phased out and left to the dust bin of history or left in place and financially supported by those solely who refuse to take responsibility for their own well-being. The market cost of this option will eventually decide its place in society.
  1. The health insurance industry needs to operate more like auto insurance:
    1. Coverage should issued be to solely protect against catastrophic financial loss and not to encourage irresponsible habits. You don’t use car insurance for auto maintenance nor should health insurance be used for personal health habits. Maintenance is a personal responsibility and a cost not to be borne by the masses.
    2. Coverage should be separate and distinct for trauma and lifestyle related diseases and sold as separate and distinct policies. Allow the market to choose which coverage they prefer and not enforce “universal” coverage on everyone – especially those who see no benefit in the modern allopathic model of “care” which invariably leads to disease maintenance and not actually curing diseases.
    3. Allow those who opt into the lifestyle related disease coverage to pay the separate premiums which add to the cost of everyone’s policies today and keep that pool separate from those who take personal responsibility for their health.
    4. Trauma coverage should cover the cost of only unforeseen and accidental injuries and the rehabilitation costs thereafter. No preventable, lifestyle diseases would be covered under this type of policy.
    5. Those engaged in risky activities, sports or hobbies in which injury is more likely would understandably pay higher premiums.
    6. Work related risk would be covered by separate policies issued to and paid for by employers.
    7. Employers would be freed of bearing the cost, however, of lifestyle diseases over which they have no control and save significant money in the long run.
  1. The pharmaceutical and medical industry needs to operate with complete transparency and lawsuits should be easily filed and persecuted for harm done by prescribed drugs or treatments initially deemed “safe” and/or “necessary.”
    1. Big Pharma needs to be held fully accountable for the side effects of the products they produce and market.
    2. Transparency of efficacy, side effects, benefits and consequences need to be part of the industry’s ethical standards across the board so as to allow for informed consent on behalf of the consumer to be clear and present.
    3. Ties between government and pharmaceutical companies need to be broken with the only exception being regulation of pharmaceutical companies enforced by a government whose sole interest and purpose is to protect the people of the society.
  1. Government’s role in health care would be restricted to that of protection of individual rights, regulation of fair market practices, and to act as mediator and court system for the people of a society to seek reparations for harm done by those irresponsible of their fiduciary duties.
    1. The CDC, USDA and FDA (and many other alphabet agencies) need to be completely gutted, overhauled and shielded from lobbies or influence from external corporate influence.
    2. Government’s sole purpose is to act as a public service agency and protect the rights of society and not to bow to influence from outsiders seeking to use the power of government to gain market share, preference or monopoly. To interfere with market forces is a violation of Natural Law and it is society that ultimately ends up paying the price for government intervention controlled by external influences seeking to gain an unfair advantage.

The very idea of putting the care of our health completely into the hands of government under the umbrella of “single payer” is complete insanity. Under this type of system, the single payer can dictate and demand the actions of the society over which it has power. This is completely antithetical and an abomination of the principles under which this nation was founded.

People protest constantly for their “rights” to be respected and honored, and many are correct that in certain cases their rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are being infringed by those who wish to impose their will over their lives, freedom or pursuits. But, more often than not, protesters are fighting for what they mistakenly believe to be “rights” to be converted into privileges, completely ignoring the fact that personal responsibility is the primary factor at stake.

And as everyone should know, privileges can and will be revoked if certain terms are not met. In fact, every time you sign a government document, you are in essence converting an individual right into a privilege which can then be taken away if the individual signing that document does not abide by all of the terms of that contract – whether or not the individual knows all of the terms and fine print or not.

This is the danger of socialized medicine, single payer “insurance” and the takeover of health care, in general. Control over our health is, always has been and always will be nothing more than personal responsibility. To put that responsibility into the hands of an all powerful entity is one of the most dangerous propositions I can possibly fathom.

Again, Natural Law provides the obvious solutions. Allow the market to decide and allow companies to offer coverages based on the personal choices of the people and individual. The solution for the health care crisis, not only in this country, but globally, is to make the individual personally and financially responsible for their own ignorance of objective reality and subsequent indiscretions. I can almost guarantee under a system such as this, people will not only be forced to educate themselves, but will actually have the motivation and will power to get and remain healthy for a lifetime because they will be unwilling to bear the cost of not doing so. By allowing them the easy way out through the current system (which is becoming financially constricting with exponentially rising costs, nonetheless), most will invariably take that route and the problem will not only persist, but continue its downward spiral, taking civilized society down with it in the process.

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June 12, 2020 3:54 pm

I agree the entire system needs to be fixed.