Former FEMA Employee Exposes “Pandemic” Agenda

Originally Posted to Facebook on April 16, 2020

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” ― Henry David Thoreau

I am and have been for years, striking at the root. And that root is the human mind and what we choose to believe. When we act on information that is objectively false (Problem) and created specifically to deceive and invoke an expected reaction (The Hegelian Dialectic), the collective population experiences the negative consequences of the preconceived “solution,” not just the individual.
That is the essence of what has happened to this world the past few months. This is a global psyop greater than humanity has every experienced in history. It’s what we beLIEve to be true that is false. It is a planned event to guide us into a new reality defined by the United Nations and World Economic Forum’s “SDG 2030.” The plan and its “Sustainable Development Goals” is “Brave New World” and “1984” combined, but on STEROIDS.
But, I needed proof to convince people and I was shared a link two days ago that I believe to be the smoking gun. You see, this is just the first event in a 10 year plan to fundamentally alter life as we have known it, forever. It is the complete enslavement of humanity and control of everything on this planet by a technocratic, unelected and unaccountable “elite” criminal class.
The smoking gun is this video created by a former FEMA employee reading from a government document (HHS, I believe) and the details on what we have seen roll out over the past month. It’s eerie in it’s accuracy as to how the lockdown would be implemented. What is frightening is what is yet to come and what Fauci and Gates have already alluded to – no return to “normal” until we are proven “safe” to our “masters” and their enforcers for public interaction. We are all now guilty until proven innocent. This was the primary purpose of the TSA all along. To acclimate us to being controlled and our bodies invaded by government goons.
They will claim the lockdown saved millions of lives so as to be able to do it again, at their whim in the future, whenever they please. This IS THE AGENDA!!! So, back to the video proof. What did it for me was the fact that it was uploaded to YouTube on February 3rd, a day after the Super Bowl, when life was still normal to every American. But, the fact that she spelled out EXACTLY what we have experienced to the detail 5 WEEKS before the WHO declared a global pandemic and the plan set into motion, tells me that THIS is the smoking gun we are all looking for. The root to strike at while everyone is figuring out who to blame for a fake “virus” in the first place. They are hacking at branches. When the ROOT is the AGENDA moving forward in the background and has been planned for DECADES along with what the public has willfully chosen to believe based on the media HYPE machine. FEAR is a powerful motivator, is it not? They KNOW this and use it constantly for their benefit.
The ONLY way to stop this agenda, all future PLANNEDEMICS and lockdowns is to expose this agenda to a critical mass of the global population. This video needs to go VIRAL and prayers or positive vibes sent to this lady for her protection in speaking out. If you’re able, throw her a few bucks because she lost her husband to mysterious circumstances after initially speaking out. He was more than likely “suicided” like Epstein was back in August.
I’ve been researching this same agenda for 13 years now and it is REAL. The world as we have known it is over unless we awaken to the reality of our situation, take a STAND against this TYRANNY and never let them gain this type of power ever again! In my opinion, CV-1984 was the shot heard ’round the world in the next rEVOLution. Our new Lexington and Concord. But, it won’t be violent and it CAN’T be. They want us to fight so that they can crack down with force. Don’t fall for that ploy.
All it takes is knowledge, understanding and the reclamation of our PERSONAL POWER and FREE WILL from those whom have sought to usurp it through fraud and deceit. They have pushed the Overton Window too far this time and the people are waking up. All the stuff their “crazy conspiracy theorist” friends have been telling them for YEARS is now beginning to make sense. Their power lies ONLY in our ignorance and fear of the unknown as it is a complete ILLUSION. Once the TRUTH is known, their power evaporates like the mist at dawn. As it was written a long time ago in a book filled with allegory, metaphor and most importantly, ancient wisdom:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Matthew 7:7
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4:6
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32

Here is the video. Use your head for its intended purpose of thinking critically. Stop believing the LIES of the mainstream media and those in positions of power creating and controlling the narrative. Their power is illegitimate when compared to the power of Natural Law. The real power lies within the individual to find their gift and to share it with the world! We are all infinitely powerful when we realize our true worth! This planet is OURS, NOT THEIRS to control and destroy!! WE are the stewards. NOT the psychopaths who have stolen the reins of power and created the false reality the majority believe to be true. THIS IS THE ROOT at which we ALL need to be striking! Peace, love and strength to all who believe in and fight for GOOD!

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