Quick Facebook Posts 4/19 – 4/25

Shared from another post on April 19, 2020

Are you AWARE or ASLEEP? 🤔🤨😒

Posted April 20, 2020

We’ve been warned over and over throughout history. All those who have so easily bought into the LIE have a complete disconnect with objective reality and despise those of us who challenge their cognitive dissonance. Keep chipping away. A critical mass of awareness MUST be achieved to stop this madness.

Posted April 20, 2020

Posted April 20, 2020

Oh, THAT’S just a conspiracy theory, you silly little thing!! Ummmmm, “immunization passport,” WHAT?!?! Critical thinking question for all of you “coincidence theorists” out their with your heads buried collectively up your ass, “What does your PASSPORT allow you to do?” Leave the country? Is it government permission to TRAVEL beyond the border of which you are a tax slave? But, THIS will restrict you from even engaging in ANY social interaction. Simmer on that for a while… (Oh, notice the convenient Microsoft Azure cloud connection, too.)

I should have highlighted this part, too:

“If the app displays the green indicator, the individual has the AUTHORIZATION to interact in social and work environments.”


Posted April 21, 2020

To every “Karen” on FB and social media. You are more than likely 100% wrong, but I choose to take the high road and attempt to show you the error of your ways and the malformation of your beliefs. Do with the truth whatever you will. The consequences to be borne for its dismissal are yours. Peace. 😉😊😇❤️☮️☯️🌎🌍🌏 We are all one…

Posted April 21, 2020

Posted April 22, 2020

Another “Karen” sighting!!! Wow, this one is RICH!! Check out her comments and the fact that she has NO idea that SHE is actually Karen!!! You can’t make this S#!T up!! 🤣🤣  My response is below hers. 
(Background story, a woman was arrested in Meridian, Idaho for letting her children play in a park and was told to leave by police. She refused as she should have because, RIGHTS, and the rest, they say is history…) This is what is becoming of Amerika because of a LIE! What’s next?

Posted April 22, 2020

A new FB friend posted this last night on a post of mine, but it definitely fits perfectly right on my wall after the past few days!!! 😂😂🤣🤣

Posted April 22, 2020

Unelected and unaccountable technocrats of Non-Governmental Organizations have taken over control of the world. It’s all on the World Economic Forum’s website. They have been planning this for DECADES. The website and intricate details of what is revealed and what we are experiencing would have taken YEARS to develop, program and create. You want the smoking gun? You want the skeleton key that unlocks this entire fiasco? THIS IS a 100% preplanned and executed psychological operation (attack) on humanity. Will we rise up and resist? Question of the hour…

Posted April 23, 2020

Is anyone paying attention? Is anyone doing the math or thinking critically? Is anyone noticing how the rules keep changing and the goal posts constantly moved further out? For those who are aware of the nature of a psyop, what we are experiencing is one of such massive proportions that the average mind can’t begin to even process the idea. Keeping the public confused, wondering and mostly IN FEAR is all part of the current plan that has been in works for DECADES as pointed out and PROVEN in previous posts by whistle blowers reading from government documents. The word of the day, ladies and gentlemen, is propaganda. Enjoy the show… 😉

Posted April 23, 2020

“Social distancing” “Flatten the Curve” “Self-Isolation” “New Normal” “Staggered Re-opening of Society” “Assume everyone is infected” “immunization passports” “Herd immunity” “essential worker” “Contact Tracing” “We’re all in this together” “Stop The Spread” “Stay Home, Save Lives” “Quaranteam” “For Your Safety”
Feel free to add your own below… People need to understand that this is conditioning and mind control.

Posted April 23, 2020

They always put their plans in plain sight. ALWAYS. It is part of their “code of honor” to warn the public of their intentions to remove any guilt. Hints are dropped in movies, TV, media and popular culture. And sometimes, they are blatantly obvious…

Shared from another post on April 24, 2020

This TOTALLY fits in with the post I wrote yesterday! This IS the plan!! This is WHY we’re not back to normal yet. Because they NEVER intend to ALLOW us to get back to normal!
SDG 2030 is the KEY! Go look at my posts on that topic! That is the smoking gun!

Posted April 24, 2020

Any challenge to the “official narrative” coming from un-elected and unaccountable NGOs and bureaucrats or anyone raising critical thinking questions about our current situation is being censored and sent down the “memory hole” Winston Smith style. If what we are being told is true, why are they so threatened by the challenges? They always default to “it’s for your safety,” but why do they not address the concern of the people of this planet? Why are they so worried others might show the people a different perspective? Because objective truth trumps subjective belief every time. Censorship is the refuge of tyrants and dictators. They always show their true colors in the end…

Posted April 24, 2020

If I were to tell you after the Super Bowl on February 2nd, that in 6 weeks the entire world would be locked down and our freedom to travel and engage in normal every day activities heavily restricted, you’d have called me crazy. Given that ALL of the official statistics have been shown to be manipulated, deaths falsely recorded, tests rigged and highly unreliable, and the future of freedom still in question, what if we had never been told a thing about this “contagion?” We would have gone about our lives and gotten through another cold and flu season with no increase mortality globally, according to the true statistics.
So why are we here? Government and media. Period. Propaganda and fear. There was NO reason for this and millions globally have been harmed economically or mentally traumatized. The question is, what is the real danger to humanity? Is the REAL contagion a mind virus that has infected humanity via our televisions and “authorities?” Where are our supposed “leaders” leading us, anyway? Critical thinking questions for the skepics and coincidence theorists. Carry on…

Posted April 24, 2020

Posted April 24, 2020

Posted April 25, 2020

The inspiration for Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” also prompts the following questions:
Why do you believe what you believe?
How do you know what you know?
Have you arrived at your rhetoric, beliefs and knowledge through personal research, study, introspection, logic and reason?
Or, do you believe what others have told you to believe because you view them as “authoritative” and have chosen the path of least resistance and intellectual sloth?
Truth is all that matters. Acting on lies and false information always results in negative consequences. Emancipate your mind from mental slavery. For the good of humanity and your own life as well.

Posted April 25, 2020

What this brilliant man said. You should follow him. 😉😊

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