Done With the Pervasive Ignorance in Society!!

Well, I wasn’t planning on spending my Saturday night doing this, but I’ve had it with the willful ignorance of the population. I made the mistake of going to my local community NextDoor site last night and was just shocked by the sheer insanity and willing submission. It’s pervasive, but there were those standing up for truth, so that makes me feel better.

I made a simple comment on one post posing a question about the NEW mandate for my county in Texas to make masks MANDATORY at ALL business establishments beginning on Monday. This is really pissing me off because there is NO science behind any of this!! Here was the question:

Face Masks Order. Mayor Turner and Judge Hidalgo ordered face mask mandatory wearing in all businesses effective Monday thru the end of June.
Necessary or Politics?

My response:

Pseudo science and the politics of submission and CONTROL. See my latest post…

Some KAREN chimed in with this to my comment:

Did you really just say that using a mask and social distancing are pseudoscience?

To which I replied:

I absolutely did. Because it’s the TRUTH. Do a little research on terrain theory v germ theory. Understand the basis for the lies we are being told and the agenda behind it before you blindly put your faith in Media or government…

Then, I was told:

I don’t put my faith blindly into anything, Jake! Thanks! I put my TRUST in medical professionals and factual research, not conspiracy theories & antivax bizarreness!!

DONE! Here we go! I’m sure this will get reported and ultimately CENSORED because we are not allowed to speak our minds and reveal TRUTH in this world anymore, but I know my friends and follower here are WOKE AF and will appreciate my response. Enjoy!!

Well, there is your problem, then. Do you realize that Pasteur’s germ theory has NEVER been proven?! Not ONCE!?! Shocker, I know!! How about the fact that COVID-19 has NEVER even been proven to exist using the Gold Standard of Koch’s Postulates!?!? I KNOW, RIGHT!! That is the POWER of PROPAGANDA and the corporations who stand to profit actually owning the MEDIA networks! How convenient, no?! Science is a real bitch when dealing with known LIARS. Good luck with that “TRUST” of yours. Your ignorance multiplied by the millions who “go along to get along” will be the downfall of humanity. Oh, but muh TV told me so!!

Thank you for doing your due diligence… I could sit here for 2 hours and post links to the REAL science, but I know people like you who are so SURE of your opinion (without ONCE ever checking anything contradictory to your beLIEfs) will not bother to look into what other REAL scientists, doctors and researchers going back well over 100 years had to say and actually PROVE. You can’t be bothered to read “Rockefeller: Medicine Men” to learn how an ENTIRE industry was hijacked to allow a small percentage of the criminal class to profit off the ignorance and misery of millions with the allopathic model of “medicine” while mocking and ridiculing the REAL healing science of homeopathy, holistic and functional medicine. How they bought control of the medical schools AND media of this nation to promote their pseudoscience!

You see, what YOU believe in is the REAL snake oil created by the original snake oil salesman himself, John D. Rockefeller Sr. But, yeah, those “medical professionals” and their “factual research” is doing such wonders for our nation and world!! Most expensive health care system in the WORLD and one of the sickest populations! You’d think nearly $4 TRILLION a year would result in better outcomes, huh? How does THAT work? Oh yeah, it’s your BLIND FAITH.

God gave you a mind for one reason. Use it for such. Oh, that’s right. Critical thinking was ALSO removed from our curriculum over 150 years ago to specifically dumb down our population and make them subservient to their masters and the “experts.” You wouldn’t recognize the new priest class if it smacked you in the face with their lies. I’m the blasphemous one because I have actually DONE the research you have NOT!?! You were taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think and all of the rest who haven’t broken free of the false reality in which you ALL live are the anchor that literally holds humanity back from what we truly could and were created to be.

The problem with humanity? Ignorance, arrogance, and apathy. Keep taking that road of least resistance. Keep listening to that TV brainwashing you from birth. Don’t you see the problem? The truth is out there. You are just too intellectually slothful to seek it. These 4 scriptures will put you and everyone else on the right path to healing this world. Or, you can just bow to the tyranny rising all around us that you refuse to acknowledge.

Hosea 4:6
Matthew 7:7
John 8:32
Romans 12:2

You throw out those words “conspiracy theory” and “anti-vax bizarreness” as if you are somehow morally and intellectually superior to anyone and everyone who has questioned the official narrative. To every family that has been DESTROYED by vaccine injury!! You and your “majority” have no idea just how WRONG you are about everything… Check those scriptures and put the pieces together. To refute your statement, yes, you ARE operating under BLIND FAITH!

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Edward Gladis
June 21, 2020 5:44 am

Dude this is amazing! It Edward Gladis from Facebook I love how this blog is set up I’ve never really gotten time to look at blogs and now you’ve opened up a whole new facet for me to vent !