Unchecked Power Is the Enemy of All Humanity

Posted to Facebook on July 18, 2020
Wherever the power is in the world, the sovereignty lies and that power has been fully corrupted. The individual has had theirs stolen at birth which is why our voices are meaningless to the new Priest Class. Anyone who speaks out against it is being silenced and ignored. This is not freedom. This is not a world in which anyone with the ability to think critically, reason, and discern truth from fiction would want to live. And yet, here we are.

The POWER paradigm must be destroyed and sovereignty restored to the individual, along with full rights and responsibilities. The future is ours to create and those in the way must be exposed for the enemies of humanity and Natural Law that they are and always have been. ALL of them. The entire top 4/5ths of the pyramid. It is a criminal organization that has complete control over the world right now and the walls are closing in.

The fight is going to intensify in the coming weeks as they clamp down even harder with their lies and completely manipulated and rigged “statistics.” There is no backing down if we ever hope to be free again. They will give us no quarter and only complete submission to their will is acceptable to them and the mindless herds of sheep they have created with their non-stop, 24/7 propaganda. This is a war on humanity and a war for our future. Don’t give up and don’t give in. We can’t afford to lose this…
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