The vast majority of the world is under a very sophisticated form of mind control and have been for generations. This has been documented throughout my work and even in the 1917 Congressional Record. Edward Bernays laid out exactly how it is done in his 1926 book, “Propaganda: The Making of the Public Mind.” The evidence is overwhelming, and yet, the average person will claim they have complete control over their thoughts, beliefs and “free will,” having never taken a second of their life to understand just how the world in which they live actually works.
This free course is taken from chapters of the a book I never published that was to be titled, “The Great Awakening, Part 1: Mind – Understanding the Vital Keys to Freeing Humanity from Debt Slavery, Illegitimate Authority, and Universal Deceit.” This is the KEY to completely reclaiming the full capacity of the mind and seeing the world as it truly is, and not the way you have been told to believe it is. Without these skills, humanity can NEVER be truly free
Over 205 MILLION people in America alone are suffering from one form of chronic disease or another, and this is all a direct consequence of the indoctrination and propaganda under which we’ve been living our entire lives. I was heavily influenced by it as well, for nearly 5o years as someone who was “fat phobic,” believing that saturated fat in the diet was the “cause” of heart disease and many other ailments.
But, it’s the highly processed, highly carbohydrate heavy diet recommended to us by every “health expert” and government entity that is the REAL cause of so many diseases we see endemic throughout the entire world that’s adopted a Standard America Diet. For this devastating trajectory to change, WE must change, but the only we WE can change is if we are educated with the correct information, acquire the knowledge of how the body works in alignment with Natural Law, and then applying the knowledge to create new habits that will change our fate. The simple basics outlined in this free course will explain how I have done it and how everyone can do it. All it takes is the desire and will to change, and we can change the entire world!