Mission Statement
To inspire, educate, enlighten and motivate the individual to seek and align with objective truth through critical thinking skills. To impress upon everyone the vital importance health plays in every aspect of our lives and to direct everyone to products and services that will help them achieve a state of optimal wellness as they have helped myself and many others to as well. To promote the work and business of other individuals and companies whose mission statements align with the ideology of Natural Law in achieving our full potential as humans. To help the individual discover their own unique gift, and to gain the self-confidence to share this gift with the world in a way that will generate the maximum potential amount of personal wealth possible. And, to help move humanity forward in a direction that will help heal societies as well as the planet and create a virtual paradise for all living creatures on this amazing place we all call our home by promoting the ideology of balance, truth, and Natural Law.
Living Well vNL, LLC is an e-commerce education and product promotion business created to help others achieve their full potential in life. In seeking a business model that would help me to share my knowledge with the world and my own personal effort to help change things for the better in moving humanity towards a more positive future, I sought to find one that aligned with my own belief that it must be a win-win-win situation. That is the only business model that aligns with my personal moral compass and the Natural Law ideology under which it has been formulated. With affiliate marketing, I am able to accomplish this objective while helping highly ethical businesses find the new customers they overwhelmingly deserve, direct individuals to products and services that will help to align their health and lives more closely with Natural Law and allow me to earn a living by sharing my knowledge and gifts with the world. This is a model in which everybody wins and the only type of business in which I could ever engage.
That being said, I will only affiliate with companies or individuals with whom I have personally done business, whose products or services I have have taken or continue to use, from whom I have learned valuable information or whose products and services I feel can benefit people in only a positive way. Too many people get into this business looking for a quick buck or look to make money by selling products that they’ve never used or in which they don’t believe. If it sells, they’ll jump on board, create a slick marketing campaign to prey on people’s pain and make as much money as they can without concern for the consumer’s experience or end results. This is not a practice in which you will ever find me engaging as I believe it is a violation of Natural Law to do so.
My plan is to create content in which I will share my secrets, habits and daily rituals for maintaining optimal health and fitness for the past three plus decades. By creating maximum value for the end user, I hope they will see the benefit in using the products I recommend and purchase them through the links provided within my content, be that video, blogs, social media or free e-books as this is the sole source of the company’s and my own personal income. By doing so, I will be able to continue my quest for knowledge and further share my findings, experience and results with the world via this business model.
Future plans for this business will incorporate all four aspects of my blogs and videos; health, fitness, growth and wealth. I plan to continue researching, testing and reviewing products and services that will help my customers and followers to improve their lives, maximize their potential in all four areas and fully realize their dreams.
I also plan to create my own personal content that will take my free content to the next level and allow me to be a virtual coach for those who need a bit more motivation or explanation. This paid content will be valuable courses based on knowledge I have acquired and applied in my own personal life. They will become available beginning in mid 2020 and be released as new courses are completed and become available. By signing up for my email notifications, you will always be in the loop for the latest and greatest free content, product recommendations and courses.
Future plans for Living Well vNL, LLC include offshoots into real estate, physical products and high quality supplements as well as reviews of online business opportunities in which I will act as a virtual guinea pig to test and verify the claims and promises of many of these online gurus and give my honest opinion. I’ve become absolutely fascinated with the world of e-commerce this year and I wish to learn as much as I possibly can about the wide array of methods and opportunities to create wealth and help others to break free from lives they dread and to find their bliss.
To summarize, Living Well vNL, LLC is an e-commerce and affiliate marketing company whose primary focus is recommending products and services that only have an overall positive effect on the consumer. The company will only affiliate with individuals and organizations whose mission statements and intentions align with the moral compass defined by Natural Law and whose primary goal is to help to improve the lives and overall well-being of their customers as well as make the world a better place for all living beings.