Of all the products I’ve used over my lifetime, BodyHealth is among the very best companies from which I’ve ever made purchases. From their flagship “PERFECT AMINO” to the most delicious protein bars I’ve ever tasted, this is a company which puts QUALITY above all else in everything they produce! These products have been a total game changer in my diet and lifestyle!

I first heard about BodyHealth from a Facebook ad, but when I saw their ad copy stating that it contained all of the 8 essential amino acids (now 9 as they have since added in histidine) in perfect proportion, I was intrigued. I flashed back to a cassette tape someone had given me in 1996 called, “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” from Dr. Joel Wallach. In it, he talks about the 92 essential nutrients required for optimal health and focused primarily on minerals.

I had always assumed I was getting the correct amount of protein in my diet, but after the research I had just done the previous 6 months and downloading the pdf below, I was convinced to try Perfect Aminos.  And, I’ve been taking them EVERY SINGLE day for 5 years now! Yes, they are THAT good and make THAT much of a difference!

This video is a short, 10 minute overview of the science behind Perfect Amino and WHY it is such an effective supplement for integrating into a diet that promotes homeostasis and aids in aligning with the Natural Laws of consuming the 92 essential nutrients on a daily basis.  Once you understand how and why a product works so well and effectively, it’s easy to make the informed decision to try it out for yourself!  For a more in depth understanding a deeper dive, feel free to download the FULL PDF book at the bottom of this page. And, to stay informed with one of the best blogs in the health and fitness space, be sure to sign up for BodyHealth’s free newsletter!

The products below are the ones I use on a daily basis as part of my “fuelie,” Optimal Omnivory ketogenic diet. Clicking on any of the images will take you directly to the BodyHealth website where you can purchase them.  If it’s your first time ordering, you can use the code LLIVINGWELL (yes, two “Ls” at the beginning) to receive 20% off of your first order! (And, since it’s one of the best discounts you’ll ever receive, it’s wise to stock up on your first order!)

BodyHealth‘s flagship product is the perfect blend of amino acids required by the body for full optimization of protein synthesis. Nothing is wasted or converted to glucose in the body. One of the best “bio-hacks” available in the health and fitness market! Also, as we age, protein synthesis becomes more and more ineffective in the body from traditional proteins, so adding this can definitely help in slowing muscle atrophy in our later years.

When transitioning to a high fat/low carb keto diet, people are likely to experience cramps (usually in the legs). This is due to electrolyte flushing in the absence of the insulin spikes to which the body has become accustomed. By adding BodyHealth Perfect Amino Electrolytes to my diet, I was able to eliminate my cramping problem and ensure my body has an adequate supply of sodium, potassium, and magnesium throughout the day and night. And, they taste great, too!

The BodyHealth Perfect Amino Brownie Bar has to be the absolute BEST TASTING protein bar I have ever tried in my life! And, I don’t use them as most people typically do, as a “snack” or meal replacement. Yes, they are on the expensive side, but that’s because of the top quality ingredients they use to create a keto-friendly product. I use them as my dessert after dinner and use just 1/6th of a bar per night, along with 6 macadamia nuts for the perfect post dinner treat to satisfy my sweet tooth. You will NOT be disappointed in this delicious bar! All THREE flavors are equally as tasty!

I first tried the BodyHealth REDS when a sample came with one of my orders. I began to add an 1/8th of a teaspoon to my Perfect Aminos for my workouts and have maintained that because it adds antioxidants and other essential nutrients to my overall diet, as well as a flavor booster for my drink!  Also great to add to your daily water intake as a flavor and nutrient enhancer as well.

Required Reading!

This is the book that not only educated me on the vital importance of protein in the diet, but the correct balance of amino acids in the diet so that protein is synthesized is the most efficient way possible. Knowledge IS power, but only when learned, internalized and acted upon positively! If you want to live in optimal health, maintain a health metabolic system, and slow the aging process, this may be one of the most important books you’ll ever read!