Whether you understand it or not, we are all living in the most dangerous times we have ever experienced in our lives. And the future is precarious. What will come depends on the path humanity chooses to take. And it IS our choice. We can choose love or continue to be controlled by fear. We have within us all to envision, manifest, and create a world that we all have dreamed could be, but have never realized. The reason for this failure of humanity to build this dream world is multi-faceted, but the primary cause is the negative energy force that is engulfing and controlling the overwhelming number of beliefs of human beings in this world.
The attack on human consciousness and free will has been ongoing since the beginning of written history. Those who sought power over others and the desire to impose their will on the masses have known that deception and fear were the best tools of control. And people, for the most part, have always submitted to the forces of their rulers because fear is crippling, both mentally and physically. But, what is there to fear? What you fear is a FICTION! All of it! Is a little effort and temporary discomfort a price too much to pay to be able to live in a world without fear and control? Because that is what it is going to take to finally free humanity from its self-imposed enslavement. Yes, it is going to take personal responsibility on the part of MILLIONS of us to correct the current trajectory of humanity’s future. But, it CAN be done.
Most will read this and wonder “what enslavement?! I live in a free world!” It was Goethe who reminded us that,
“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.”
Look at our world. Does any of this seem “normal” to any of you? We live in a world of universal deceit we only believe to be real. Perception can deceive and those who have sought to manage our perception of reality via social engineering, propaganda and “public relations” have studied the human mind and habits of the crowd for generations to figure out how to best control us. THAT is the false reality in which we now live. But, we don’t have to accept it. We CAN break free.
Did you ever think, even back in January, that this year would go the way it has? No one did. Not even those of us who have been researching the criminal ruling class who would do this sort of thing to the world. We knew they would pull the trigger one day, but we didn’t know exactly when. What we DID know is that we would understand precisely the moment when the trigger was pulled and the final assault on humanity was underway. That day was March 11, 2020. But, everyone just thought “15 days to flatten the curve” was the only inconvenience they would have to endure. Are you awake yet? It’s been 5 months now. And things are only getting worse. The next phase is starvation as all food supply chains are purposely being broken under the guise of “protecting us” from the phantom menace. Can you see the game being played on you yet? The “new normal” has been in the planning stages for decades and we are slowly being inserted into this world against our will because we are so in fear of something which only exists in our minds!!
Most people have fallen for the Big Lie. The one promoted incessantly and ad nauseam on the main stream media, 24/7, constantly adding to the negative energy in this world. Piling on the fear with scary graphics and optics designed specifically to induce trauma and despair by those who planned the entire charade. And it has worked. Look around. Look in the mirror. The world is broken. It is in a state of flux no one alive has ever experienced (outside of the war zones brought to those by the same people behind the Military Industrial Complex and wars of aggression for control of natural resources). But, now the entire world is suffering to one extent or another. And for what? Well that is something those who are awake and aware understand, but something about which those who have blindly gone through life concerned solely with their own interests would have absolutely no idea.
Selfishness is both a virtue and a vice.
Depending on how interested you are in the well being others along with your own, your level of selfishness expresses itself in the energy you put out. If you care about others as much as yourself, you seek to help and encourage them to achieve their highest potential. You maintain a good level of health because you selfishly care about your own well being, but you also strive to help others in making better decisions and creating better habits by teaching them what you have learned that works for you. In doing so, it requires seeking information and truth and sharing that information in hopes that it will help others to see a better reality. But, it’s not just about health. It’s everything. As I said, we are living in dangerous times and everything we believe must be questioned because not only our health is under attack, but our lives and futures are as well.
We can break free of this trap in which we’ve been ensnared, but we must seek truth. And you will NEVER get the truth from sources controlled by those who have planned and executed this attack on humanity!! It’s common sense. So STOP watching corporate controlled media!! We’re told by these sources to trust ONLY the “experts” in government and corporate controlled institutions to tell you the truth and everything will be OK. The people speaking out, blowing the whistle and questioning the official narrative are all being silenced, censored, ignored, and ridiculed. How many times must we be fooled by the same people who have lied over and over? When will we have the courage to seek the truth and question what we’ve been told? Why do we go along with the status quo when it has always, historically, resulted in disaster for millions of souls whose lives ended well before their time? What is it going to take? JUST STOP IT!!
Let go of your fear. Tune into a different frequency. When you want to hear rock music, you don’t tune into the hip hop station. Seeking truth is the same concept. When you want to find the truth, you don’t tune into controlled media, all spouting the exact same lies!! There are a multitude of sources out there! Your “crazy conspiracy theorist” friends and family members can point you in the right direction to begin to deprogram your conditioning and indoctrination and free your mind!
Once you have awakened like the rest of us who have, you will never look at the world in the same way ever again! You will be FREE! You will realize the power of love and how it alone can conquer fear! You will want to share this new found information with others and help to manifest this better world that we all envision. That is what we are working towards. The enemy doesn’t want that. They want you poor, in fear and completely submissive to their whims. Which world do you want? Which world do you want for your children? Break free of the lies that have crippled the world and we can have the planet and reality we truly want.
Check your sources. Does their information empower you? Or does it keep you in fear? If so, seek other, contradictory information and see if perhaps it resonates with you on a different level. You will find that it does and you will want to seek more! All of the enlightened souls around the world (and we number in the MILLIONS, by the way) have gone through this process. We have let go of our egos and cast off limiting beliefs. We see the world with much more optimistic eyes, but realize that those who live in fear will hold all of us back because YOU are the majority right now. That needs to change. And SOON! We are running out of time.
Join us in the effort to create and manifest the world that 96% of us dream we could have, but don’t because our minds are manipulated by the 4% who want to control us. We outnumber them enormously and it is ONLY our beliefs that keep us from realizing the world we could have. Let go of your fear-based and limiting beliefs. They don’t serve you or anyone else. They will destroy your life and the lives of billions if you don’t. There is NOTHING to fear. We were made perfect by the Creator and once you understand how the body REALLY works and that this entire charade is a hoax to break the economic engine to institute a completely controlled society, you’ll realize how foolish we have all been. It doesn’t have to go down this way.
The time is now. If we don’t take back our power and sovereignty now, we will lose the chance forever… We can do this, but we need a critical mass of enlightened and fearless souls to accomplish this. The “new normal” can be one of OUR creation!! One of world peace, abundance, and in which we as individuals can achieve our full potential and live our dreams without fear of oppressive forces ever again. Imagine the world we could have.
All we have to do is stop listening to those trying to control us and finally let go of the fear… “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”