On June 10th, 2010, out of complete frustration at the ignorance, arrogance, and apathy I had seen in my family and the general public at large as to any interest in seeking truth and truly understanding how our world really works, I sat down and began writing about what I had learned over the past 3 years (at the time). What would come from that exercise in futility would become a goal to publish, initially, a single book titled, “The Great Awakening: Understanding the Vital Keys to Freeing Humanity from Debt Slavery, Illegitimate Authority, and Universal Deceit.”
It was obviously an ambitious undertaking, to say the least, and over the next 3 years, that single book would evolve into a 3 part series, with each volume covering the mind, body, and soul, respectively. Then, in 2019, nowhere near to having a finished manuscript for the first book (because I had been working on all three at the same time), and knowing that less than 3% of Americans actually read more than one book a year anymore, I decided to take ALL of that 9 years of work and put it into this website, instead creating videos that would get this information out to a much wider audience in a video-on-demand world.

A large portion of that first book covered the history of the compulsory government schooling system and how the tools necessary for every individual to acquire and refine critical thinking skills was purposely REMOVED from the curriculum in the mid-19th century for the specific purpose of “dumbing down” the general population. You see, the world was on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution, and the robber barons and capitalists of the time needed to ensure that they would have a class of mindless worker drones who could barely think for themselves and accept the conditions of labor given to them just so they could “survive.”
And, it continues to this day, albeit in slightly different forms, but we largely live in a population (now world wide) that has never developed the ability to think critically about anything. Instead of being taught HOW to THINK, the vast majority of people in this world have been told WHAT to BELIEVE, to not question “the experts,” and to mindlessly accept and comply with what their perceived “authorities” tell them to. And, that’s exactly why we have the world we have today.
I created the video series on this page as an antidote to this pervasive and devastating problem. The 5 parts of this video series cover the meaning of kaizen, the Japanese philosophy of “good change” and constant improvement, understanding Natural Law, “The Lost Tools of Learning,” the real meaning of the word, ‘liberal,’ and finally, my ‘Crash Course in Critical Thinking.’ What is presented in these 5 videos is the basic, foundational information EVERYONE needs to understand to reclaim the full capacity of their mental capabilities. This is the vital first step we must take in ultimately reclaiming full autonomy and sovereignty over our own, individual lives. To avoid learning this information is to choose to continue going through life completely blind to reality and the pitfalls that await everyone who doesn’t have the ability to think outside of the boxes into which they’ve been placed by others their entire lives.
Part 1: What is Kaizen?
Part 2: Understanding Natural Law
Part 3: The Lost Tools of Learning
Part 4: The Real Meaning of Liberal
Part 5: A Crash Course in Critical Thinking
For more content on what was going to be in the first book series, I have additional video series that cover the information. My “Manifesting a New Reality” video series is about an indictment of the current System of “governance” and the true corporate oligarchy running our world an economic system, while proposing a visionary new social order that would restore ALL power and sovereignty back to the individual.
I also have a video series titled, “The Path to Freedom,” which covers information complementary to the lessons taught in the 5 videos on this page. Topics covered are what defines a society that would work to benefit everyone equally, the power of simplicity, “The Strangest Secret in the World,” and then I cover the documentation I’ve offered to emancipate humanity from the current System of abuse and control over our lives.
In my series, “Creating a Natural Law Republic,” I start out with a video exposing that the US CONstitution was never meant to last for more than one generation and has no inherent authority, whatsoever. I then go to recited the entire Constitution for a Natural Law Republic that I have authored as a viable and solid contractual system of checks and balances that would guarantee full autonomy and sovereignty for every individual who willingingly chooses to join this new system of complete freedom.
In one final series of 4 audio blogs titled, “Emancipation 2.0[22], Building the Breakaway Civilization,” I have laid out an overview of all my work and the comprehensive plan of action that will be required for humanity to reclaim it’s power and inherent rights if we ever hope to be free in this world.