Finding Center and Refocusing

Originally Posted to Facebook on May 14, 2020

Yes, this is a full length blog. I spent over 3 hours writing it, but it takes less than 10 minutes to read it. It starts a little dark, but I promise it has an optimistic ending! If you’re seeking solutions and a path out of our mess, this is your first breadcrumb… šŸ˜‰šŸ˜Š

Finding Center and Refocusing

Itā€™s been a crazy nine weeks for everyone in this world. A time of uncertainty and honestly, unnecessary fear, but fear created by our collective enemy. Things are moving incredibly fast right now. There is so much I want to write, say and do to help move humanity in the right direction now, but time is a fleeting commodity. Every day seems to matter more and more as the walls seem to be slowly closing in. The conversation between the commander in chief and Maria Bartiromo this morning was disturbing. If you missed it, he basically said that the military would be mobilized by the end of the year to ensure poison is injected into all Americans. If it wasnā€™t already, this shit just got real.
I know people world wide are waking up, resisting and doing their part in trying to awaken others by sharing information in an effort to create the critical mass needed to turn this back. But, even if we turn this back for now, the enemy has been planning their move and building the agenda they plan to implement on humanity for decades, if not centuries. They will not go away quietly. So, it is time to focus. I bring up the Thoreau quote often, but it bears repeating again and again; ā€œThere are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.ā€ But many may ask, what IS the root? Where should we focus our energy?
To answer that question, we need to understand the ā€œroot of evilā€ and their ultimate ā€œgoal.ā€ And this must be exposed to MILLIONS if we hope to change anything in this world for our benefit and build the future in our imagination based on abundance and love. I have posted many times about the sources of the evil as well as their goal. This current psyop on the world is just one more step on their path to total global enslavement if they are not stopped. We are dealing with unreasonable, unsympathetic, unyielding and arrogant psycho and sociopaths who will stop at nothing to impose their will upon the entire world. Their goal IS Agenda 2030 or SDG 2030.
Whether people choose to believe it or not, we ARE in a war. And it is a war; the final rEVOLution, that we MUST not and cannot lose. For, if we do, the future will look exactly the way it has been portrayed and warned about in every nightmarish, dystopian novel, movie and TV show ever created. It is no future in which any human being with free will and the desire to live unencumbered by force would want to live. Seeing and studying their plans for years and having my own personal warning to others falling on deaf ears, I can assure everyone it IS real and it is horrifying. This is no hyperbole. It is what it is. The end of freedom. Period. Do you want your children growing up in a world like this, even if they are allowed to survive?
We are in a real life Hegelian Dialectic created by insane, power hungry megalomaniacs whose synthesis (solution) of all that we are currently experiencing is complete control over every single resource on the planet including you – the human resource. I have studied this for 13 years now and have spent, conservatively, over 35,000 hours researching, writing, connecting dots and understanding the BIG picture. I have learned from the best and stand on the shoulders of giants. And, I suppose THIS is finally the time for which I have been doing all that I have for all those years.
People with my knowledge need to stand up and lead the way, and many, many people are. The answers and solutions are NOT going to come from anyone in government, media or any ā€œauthorityā€ figure out there. They have all been compromised and are our adversaries. But, the truth remains WE, the people, still outnumber them by a factor of thousands to one. The awakening of our masses to the game being played IS their biggest fear. I have pointed that out in my previous posts as well.
My dilemma is how exactly DO you convey 13 years and tens of thousands of hours of knowledge to someone to see reality from the perspective of objective truth when they have been under essentially a mind control operation since birth? You have to appeal to their innate wisdom and desires. The enemy preys on their fears. We must approach them with love. We all essentially want the same things. To be able to live our lives as we desire, to live in a world of peace, harmony and one that is clean and relatively safe. But this doesnā€™t take government to do that. It takes personal responsibility. The responsibility REQUIRED to ensure our rights are not infringed. Rights not asserted are soon lost to those who would convert them to privileges which can then be taken away. This IS what government does. Every day of our lives.
We have been divided by our enemy into many separate categories that they then use the media to play off on one another. It is a game in which the awakened and enlightened no longer engage as they have realized the trap. We have to remain above the games and stratagem they have set up to ensnare us as they move along with their agenda; behind the wall of media sensationalism and propaganda created to distract us with bread and circuses.
So, to focus and find center, we need to define goals. WE need our OWN Hegelian Dialectic in which to engage our fellow human beings to reach the synthesis I laid out; to live in peace and harmony in an abundant and clean world. That is OUR goal, so what then is our thesis and antithesis? It begins to become clear when you play the game by their rules, now doesnā€™t it?
The thesis (problem) is simple. Our world and species has been infected by a cancer for 6 millennia. That cancer is called illegitimate authority. The power paradigm in this world is out of balance and always has been. Small groups of people have used power and force as well as the perversion or withholding of knowledge to control the masses for all of documented human history; to create ā€œauthorityā€ over others. And, because of this, the majority of humanity has been enslaved in one form or another for most of history. And, yes, we are all still slaves today. If you have any contract with a government entity, you are a slave to a system not created to protect you, but to extract your productivity and wealth. But, I will get into more on this topic in the future.
You hear the term, ā€œThe Great Awakeningā€ being thrown around frequently these days and it was the title of the book trilogy I had been working on since 2010 until I shelved it last year to begin building a business. But, essentially, what it is, is the next great leap in human evolution. And we are right on the cusp of it happening. However, there is this cancer that MUST be removed for it to come to fruition. The Great Awakening IS part of that process necessary in removing this cancer from society. It is our primary duty and of the utmost importance to ensure that this happens. All of us who have awakened already are the soldiers in this battle and we must enlist millions more in our efforts to bring about our true destiny as stewards of this planet.
Thus, the Hegelian Dialectic under which WE must operate is simple. We point out the problem (or thesis – the cancer and power paradigm destroying the world), offer the reaction based in love not fear (antithesis – educate, enlighten and awaken the masses to this inequitable power paradigm) to arrive at the solution (synthesis – a world free of a power structure that enslaves the many for the benefit of the few). I am and have been working on how to bring this change about for at least the past 5 years of my life, but again, I shelved it because, honestly, I couldnā€™t get anyone to care. But, now that the enemy has shown their true colors and exposed their ultimate goals publicly and proudly, it is time for me to activate. And I have. I began on March 11th, the day the “global pandemic” was declared. It took 9 weeks of digging to figure out everything I needed to know to move forward.
So, to find center and focus on what needs to be done, the plan is simple in its design, but more difficult in its execution because we are dealing with a public under a lifetime of programming and extreme cognitive dissonance when confronted with information contrary to their beliefs. Moving forward, I plan to create content (videos, blogs, podcasts, etc.) that focuses specifically on the keys necessary to help others awaken those in their circle of influence.
Step one is to teach the critical thinking skills removed from our curriculum in the mid 19th century for the purpose of creating a population much like you see today; unable to think for themselves. I only learned about it a decade ago and it has made all the difference in the world to my thought processes. I have reduced the method to a very simple equation that can be learned and taught in very short order and applied IMMEDIATELY to begin challenging any and every belief we might have that may just be holding us back from achieving our full potential in life, both individually and collectively as societies.
From there, I will take that equation and begin deconstructing our ā€œlearnedā€ history in a way that can finally be understood by all who have learned and can apply this method to reveal the true reality in which we have been enslaved without our knowledge or consent. It is a massive project, but again, I have been working on and thinking about the solutions for humanity for over a decade now. It is a true solution because it is based 100% in Natural Law and objective truth and I believe it to be irrefutable because of this point.
Before we can regain the world and begin to build it in an image of abundance and love, we MUST unlock a critical mass of minds that are still enslaved. I listened to another interview today and one of the guests agreed basically with that same point. Our ONLY path forward and way out of the mess weā€™re in right now IS to awaken the masses.Ā 
Violence wonā€™t work. They have prepared for that. Again, their greatest fear IS The Great Awakening and I intend to do all I can in my power to bring that about. The subtitle to the first volume of my book trilogy was to be ā€œUnderstanding the Vital Keys to Freeing Humanity from Debt Slavery, Illegitimate Authority and Universal Deceit.ā€ Long subtitle, but I think it says it all. The three volume trilogy was to cover, respectively, the Mind, Body and Soul.
I know this is long and I appreciate everyone who has taken the 10 or so minutes to read what has taken me nearly 3 hours of my day and 13 years (realistically) to write. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that this is our only path to freedom. Nothing else will suffice and we canā€™t accept any less than what we are truly worth. In closing today, I will offer one final, I suppose, allegory or metaphor and it is the answer that has been clear to us all along. I like to call it the Triad of Truth in the Scriptures or the Hegelian Dialectic of Freedom. And you donā€™t need to adhere to any specific religion or any religion at all to understand its wisdom! It is the answer we have been looking for all along.
1. Problem: ā€œMy people perish for lack of knowledge.ā€ – Hosea 4:6
2. Reaction: ā€œAsk, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall
Ā  Ā  Ā find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.ā€ – Matthew 7:7
3. Solution: ā€œAnd ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
Ā  Ā  Ā you free.ā€ – John 8:32
We perish and live in bondage because of our lack of knowledge. This is because so many donā€™t seek truth and lazily accept whatever is told to us. We will never find truth unless it is earned by personal effort. Once and not until a critical mass has learned and KNOW the truth, will we finally be made free. Itā€™s a beautiful plan in its simplicity, but we must take personal responsibility in creating a new reality in which humanity can finally thrive!!
The stage has been set. More to come…
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