Who’s Ready for FunVax?!

Originally Posted to Facebook on April 26, 2020 

Critical thinking questions:
Do you really know what’s in that vial? Do you really know what is coming through that needle and into your sacred blood and how it may affect your DNA? Do you really trust that your government or Bill Gates has your best interests at heart? Is there perhaps another agenda behind the rhetoric, hype and fear? Or, will you blindly submit to be let out of your cage?
I was sent the video below by a new FB friend this afternoon. Pretty shocked at what I saw and I already know the plans. But to see it actually spoken of so flippantly is something completely different, altogether. The following are just a few excerpts from the video, which is only 14 minutes. It is an analysis of a DOD video from 2005. Everything in quotes below comes directly from the video. Any misspellings are done on purpose.
Through the human genome project, they have isolated the VMAT2 (The God Gene) as being responsible for expression for religious beliefs which is also “the part of the brain associated with theory of mind and expression of intents and desires.”
“The virus would immunize against the VMAT2 gene…and would turn a ‘fanatic’ into a normal person.”
When asked how it would be dispersed, the presenter responded, “the present plan and the tests we’ve done so far have used respiratory viruses such as flu….and we’re very confident that this will be a very successful approach.”
The name of the proposal? “So, the name of this proposal is ‘FunVax’ which is the vac scene for religious fundamentalism. …we think it has great promise.”
Soooo, who wants their brain reprogrammed? Because that is their real intent. The screenshot below is from the end of the video. It is an interview from a former Russian intelligence officer confirming my initial suspicions of a global psyop.
Carry on and remain vigilant…
Screenshot from Video
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