Society is Broken and The New Normal is Unacceptable

So, I had some errands to run today. Three of them. I ended up striking out. 0 for 3. The last wasn’t the fault of anyone and the gentleman that helped me opened his already locked doors for me (the bike store closed at 5pm instead of the advertised 7pm) and was very friendly and outgoing. My dog’s wheelchair needs new tires but unfortunately, 14″ tires aren’t common so I need to look elsewhere. But, the interaction was, well, let’s say HUMAN, and genuinely restored some faith after my first two stops. My other two errands ended in utter frustration.

My first stop was the bank to deposit $200 in singles. I would normally use an ATM or go inside to make a deposit, but that wasn’t an option (because of the phantom menace), so I went to the drive up window. I placed the money and my account information (a little card provided by the bank) into the drawer. I was told that I needed to show him my ID to deposit money into my OWN account!! Excuse me, WHAT?! I’m not withdrawing, I’m depositing. I have been a customer of this bank for ten years. Oh, but he is new and didn’t recognize me! Maybe I should ask to see HIS ID, no?

I asked why and he said, “It’s bank policy.” I asked why he needed to see an ID to deposit money into my own account and he told me he couldn’t do anything without seeing my ID. I got heated. I asked him if he ever questioned, “why?” and he said he was just following orders. I reminded him that was the excuse in Nazi Germany. He had NO other explanation other than it was “policy.” I began to raise my voice and question who would make such a policy and why did he need a photocopy of my ID to make a cash deposit. Who’s business is it? GOVERNMENT? The criminals who counterfeit the money in the first place? The entity that brings the drugs into the country via the CIA? But, I am guilty until proven “innocent” and SOMEONE out there needs to know that I am depositing CASH, God, forbid!!?!?

The manager heard the ruckus and came over. I gave him a piece of my mind as well. I asked both of them if they ever questioned what’s happening to this country. Why our privacy is gone? All they have is, “it’s our policy.” No one is able to THINK. No one can see outside of their FUCKING BOXES!! We live in a nation of mind-controlled robots who just do what they are told and don’t care about what other people say or how they feel about certain “policies.” I drove away, not making the deposit. I will NOT SUBMIT to this utter bullshit!! No one needs to photocopy my personal identification for ME to make a deposit into my OWN account!!

I went to the original bike shop I had planned on visiting for my 2nd stop. It had gone out of business. Apparently another economic victim of the CV-1984 scam. Most specialty retailers have been hurt badly and couldn’t sustain the completely unwarranted and manufactured terrorist act on humanity. Yes, it was a terror attack if you look at the definition of the word.

Next, it was on to my tanning salon, which inexplicably closed as well during the “lockdown” for no reason at all. You literally go into a room by yourself, turn on UV lamps which are disinfecting anyway, and lay there for 12 minutes. Then you leave. But they closed and never once bothered to CONTACT THEIR CUSTOMERS when they re-opened. I assumed they had still been closed until I got a call from them on Saturday about my account. Yeah, they re-opened and had tried to charge my now maxed-out credit card (because WHO can pay the bills when there is NO income for 3 months?!?!) So, they waited until they couldn’t get MONEY to inform their customers that they were, in fact, open again. Thanks. I so appreciate that!

They wanted $43 and change plus tax for a service I hadn’t used and didn’t even know was available TO use because of their POOR communication. I said, “let’s just put it on vacation hold for $8, retroactive back to June 1st and I’ll reactivate it again in November.” NOPE. They needed to charge me the FULL monthly charge for June, whether I wanted them to or not. A call was made. Nope. There is NOTHING anyone can do to help me out. WTF?!?! The two of them stood there in their stupid black face masks looking like deer caught in the headlights. Nothing going on in those heads, whatsoever. America is dead. Just like the brains of the majority who mindlessly go through life never questioning anything. Hmmmmm…. Like sheep!? Yeah, like sheep.

I explained that the card was denied because I couldn’t pay the bill because I had lost between $10-12,000 during the “lockdown.” No one gives a shit about that. They just want THEIR MONEY! They have no ability to negotiate, to think, to let the customer have a say. What happened to “the customer is always right?” What happened to fairness and understanding? It’s gone. America is officially dead. Humanity is close behind. That’s been the plan of the criminal ruling class for generations. We’re almost there if we don’t fight back now.

Those of us with the ability to still think critically are a rare breed. How many of us are there left? Do we have the numbers and the power to turn things around? I don’t know, but I know I’m going to find out. I can’t live in a world like this. I can’t interact with completely brainless idiots. Trying to have an intellectual conversation or come to some sort of compromise, understanding or agreement is a virtual impossibility these days. And these people are allowed to VOTE!?! It’s no wonder we have the government we have. We’re being led by the ignorant majority who keep them in power with their sheer ignorance and daily download of programmed instructions and beLIEfs. Sorry. OPINIONS. Yeah, their “opinions” are programmed, not deeply thought out or researched and formulated. Programmed. And they repeat them like retarded parrots on a perch.

It’s time for the Declaration of Independence option. Nothing else will work. We’re too far gone to save the dying system; the system that has been 100% hijacked and working not FOR but AGAINST the people. That is what I am working on. A new Declaration of Independence from the tyrannical mess that has become government in this world. A government of unelected bureaucrats buying influence through the lobbying of “(s)elected” representatives, a rigged “just us” court system and a neutered, virtually powerless executive branch. A government of “private-public” partnerships stealing taxpayer money for corporate welfare and graft. It’s disgusting beyond belief. The entire system needs to be scrapped and thrown in the trash. Because that’s what it is – trash.

There is a firewall between the masses (We, The People) and those who truly control the world. That firewall is government, media, and education. Those are what need to be fixed. People can heal. People can learn. But people need to be given the TRUTH before humanity can begin to right its path. That is what I have sworn to do. To help right the path. I can’t deal with the ignorance anymore. It’s time for the rEVOLution to begin…

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