How The Misuse of Words Degrades Society

Could we PLEASE stop misusing words?!? One of the most misused words I’ve heard over and over lately is one that needs to be cleared of all negative connotation because it only reinforces the very idea that we somehow NEED external forces guiding or “controlling” our lives. It is this VERY idea that gives us the shit show we are all currently enduring and it just needs to STOP being used to describe something that is the complete OPPOSITE of what it means.

This is from a comment I made on another thread, but I felt it deserved it’s own post. One reason Noah Webster created his dictionary was not because he was worried about the Constitution failing in its ability to maintain honest government (even though it has failed miserably); he worried about society changing the very meanings of words. And that HAS happened. This word is a case in point.
From my comment to someone for whom I hold a very high level of respect:

(Click Image for original post on Facebook)

“Truth is all that matters and will manifest regardless of belief. It is perception that gets us into trouble and aligning with (and acting on) anything not objectively true can and will get us into trouble. It’s Natural Law.
I always enjoy reading your perspective on things as I find you to be one of the smartest people on Facebook. You’re spot on about everything and we are in agreement on the way things are and ought to be except for your take on anarchism. And the media and government (and virtually everyone, it seems) has “anarchy” all wrong and uses the term incorrectly. It has been a word demonized for decades, just as much of our language has been twisted from its original meaning and intent.
Anarchy simply means “without RULERS,” or self-rule, but I abhor the word and idea of “government,” because, ultimately it means, “to control.” And when an external force is controlling or imposing its will upon you, you are not ruling your own life and you are not sovereign. You are essentially, a slave. Anarchism, on the other hand, puts all rights and responsibility in full ownership of the individual. Would it require a much more conscious and aware society? Absolutely. But, that can be attained by fixing the education system to one that teaches critical thinking and the TRUE liberal arts.
Anarchy IS actually the natural order of life and requires personal responsibility. Within a truly anarchist, free market, voluntary society, public service institutions can be responsibly instituted and maintained to truly serve the well-being of the population at the very minimal of cost to the society. That is the theory I am attempting to prove with my work.
Keep on spreading truth, brother!!”
This 2 party political system which we are forced to endure (or rather, willfully accept as the only one possible of ALL solutions) must be dissolved and replaced with something completely NEW and different that respects, FIRST AND FOREMOST, the sovereignty and RIGHTS of the individual. It in NO WAY serves the people of ANY nation and has proven over and over to be SELF-serving and completely WORTHLESS to its constituents, but extremely valuable to its corporate masters. Period.
More to come… 😉😊❤️☯️✊
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