Quick Facebook Posts 6/15 – 6/21

Posted June 15, 2020

The feelings are mutual… 🙄😒😞

Posted June 15, 2020

Posted June 16, 2020


There is a big difference between those who truly care about the planet and those who only spew false rhetoric and live with very poor character. 😞

Posted June 16, 2020

Posted June 17, 2020

Well, here we go folks. I saw this coming not just since March, but WAY before that. This is going to be a war of intellect, of TRUTH and of real SCIENCE!! This is an excerpt from an Australian SENATOR!!! Excuse me, but the only one suffering willful ignorance is those who REFUSE to look at the PROOF and HISTORY of the entire scam!! 🤬🤬🤬 Their plan has been for decades to get everyone to submit to their WILL or they will not be allowed to engage in “society.” They want war? They are surely going to get one… 

Full article:


Posted June 18, 2020

This is how easy it is to take down the NWO if we only realized how powerful we truly are!!  They are not as all powerful as they would make us believe… 😉

Posted June 20, 2020

Just spent over 4 hours of my Saturday saving a squirrel. I was notified around 5pm that there was an injured squirrel in the street by my house (because I’m kind of known as the neighborhood animal rescuer.) It was clearly traumatized and flies were bothering it to a point where it was running a few feet and then would lose focus and stop.

It looks like it was glanced by a car, but I felt with a little TLC, it could make a full recovery. The local wildlife rescue facilities were already closed and I didn’t want to keep it in a box all evening, scared and wondering. I was able to find a site with local wildlife rehabbers and their direct phone numbers. I reached out to 7 and the one who got back and could take it in immediately was almost an hour from my house. But, that didn’t matter. I took the time to drive 2 hours round trip to get it the help it needs. You know why?

Because #AllLivesMatter and it pains me to see other living beings suffer!!!!! 😉😊❤️🐿 I think this little one is going to make it… 🥰❤️

Posted June 20, 2020

Patrick Wood is the foremost expert in the world on Technocracy, the ideology behind Agenda 21 & SDG 2030. He understands full well the implications of social engineering and the blind belief in blatant propaganda through which only a small percentage of the population can see. He is someone everyone should follow and subscribe to as we move into uncharted territory. He is one of the good guys on the side of humanity!!



The American public is being spoon-fed a steady diet of pseudo-science in order to justify the wearing of face masks, social distancing and contact tracing. Yet, the actual science points in the polar opposite direction.

Furthermore, those who try to present the real science are shamed, ridiculed and bullied for having such narrow-minded views.

This is a clear sign of Technocrats-at-work. Instead, these are the ones who should be exposed, shamed and ridiculed.

In sum, these dangerous and destructive policies are designed to curtail economic activity, break down social cohesion and control people. Moreover, they fit the original mission statement of Technocracy as far back as 1938:

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population…

It is highly doubtful that most state and local leaders understand the lack of real and verified science behind their actions and mandates. Nevertheless, they are implementing policies that are destructive to our economic system, harmful to our personal health and ruinous to personal liberty.

Posted June 21, 2020

All it takes is one person… This is the world in which we live now, though. And I feel I need to defend my honor and my intentions. I didn’t have to say a thing about the squirrel last night, but I wanted to stress a point that ALL LIVES MATTER, no matter the race, species, or ethnicity and that I would do this regardless if anyone knew it or not. But, if you post something on social media that even so much as appears to be virtue signaling, invariably someone will question your true intentions. And one person did among all of the amazing and wonderful comments.

So, I am doing this solely to show that I did this because it is who I am as a person. Just like the turtle I saved 2 years ago crossing a busy highway because I saw a ton of traffic coming and knew there was no way it would make it. So, I made a u-turn and I even had to stop and park my car in the 65 mph TRAFFIC LANE (not the shoulder) to halt the oncoming cars while I picked it up and ran it across the road despite people honking at me for disrupting their precious, selfish lives for what, 10 extra seconds?!?! That’s the state of humanity today and it makes me sad. Some people can be so damn ugly.

But, I put myself in danger’s way for another living being because just about 6 months earlier, I had passed on the opportunity to save another turtle crossing a busy road and by the time I thought twice and decided to go back around and save it, someone had (most likely on purpose) driven over it, killing it. That actually haunted me for a while knowing I could have made a difference had I acted when I had the chance. So, I made a promise to myself that day to never pass on an opportunity ever again and I haven’t to this day.

The actual number of animals I have saved in my life is probably in the low to mid dozens. But, when I see an animal in need that is helpless and CAN be saved, I will do everything in my power to make sure it gets that fighting chance. When I see a dead animal on the side of the road, it always makes me sad. However, I only shared what I did last night because of the whole “BLM/All Lives Matter” thing going on in our world right now.

It shouldn’t even be a thing to have to say it, but unfortunately, we live in a world where a criminal ruling class creates narratives and events to divide us in every way possible. BLM is yet one more of many strategies to get us fighting amongst ourselves. And we are being conquered because of it when we need to realize that yes, in fact, ALL lives matter and none are more special than others. Did anyone read Orwell’s “Animal Farm?” Probably not the completely ignorant, spoiled rotten children destroying our cities these days…

That said, I thought I would share the text exchange with the woman who I finally got in touch with to help save the squirrel. So, no, it was not a “social media” stunt. Why would I waste time doing that anyway with everything I have going on in my life? Those who follow me know my integrity by now. And I live by Gandhi’s ideology of being the change you want to see in the world. I follow the ideology of Natural Law and the Golden Rule. I felt by posting this that maybe I would inspire others to see ALL lives in a different light. Who knows? Everything I do, I do to help make positive difference in the world. To put out good energy and vibes. All I know is that whether I posted it or not, I would have done nothing different.

However, here is the text thread showing my intentions were pure. All that is redacted is information to protect the privacy of myself and the wonderful woman who took the squirrel into her home to give it a chance at survival because surely it would not have made it on the road alone, through the night, or perhaps even in a box in my backyard until this morning when I could have taken it to the wildlife rescue center. I did what I did to save a life when time was of the essence. Period. 😊❤️

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