Manufacturing A Pandemic: Part 3 – The Looming Threat to Humanity & The ONLY Path Forward: Chapter 2

For the time being, this will be the only place to see this chapter of Part 3.  I’m not sure if it will get flagged on Facebook, so this will be its home.  Perhaps I may put it all on Facebook depending on the feedback.

Chapter 2: Testing for… the ‘rona or IQ?! The Agenda That Brought Us CV-1984

***Warning*** F-Bombs Ahead!

Part 2 of this series was posted on June 2nd. By now we were almost 3 months into this operation and there was still no end in sight. Things were only getting worse and I was trying to warn people of controlled opposition and the constant push for MORE TESTING! “Test, test, test” was the mantra coming from the illegitimate political establishment “leaders” and their media minions. Even supposed “whistle blower” doctors. I knew exactly where that was going and I tried to get people to STOP sharing a certain video. But, everyone loves to jump on the bandwagon and point fingers without realizing the nature of the psyop.

And, look at where it HAS gotten us! More tests = MORE CASES!! And MORE CASES = MORE UNNECESSARY FEAR! And that equals more idiotic mandates by moronic bureaucrats. Wow! Who would’ve thunk it, huh?! Test HEALTHY people just in case because “asymptomatic” carriers might be spreading a non-existent “virus” that, even IF real, doesn’t spread that way anyway!! WTF?! Where is the rocket scientist that put that idea forth?

And the people mindlessly lined up in droves to have a completely worthless, unreliable, easily manipulable, and expensive test (yes, someone is making a KILLING off of your ignorance and at YOUR taxpayer expense shoving giant swabs up your noses, numbnuts) to try to ease their fears that they might be infected. With what?!? Oh, don’t ask to see the facts or the PROOF of a “virus” that has never been isolated or proven to be contagious! Just believe what the experts are telling you. Fucking idiots.

It is the TESTS and CASES that have kept the world shut down and people struggling, not actual deaths that are statistically DOWN overall, globally this year! By definition, there is NO pandemic, but we hear that word every single fucking day to ensure we don’t forget that we are, in fact, being “protected” by our wonderful overlords – as long as we do EVERYTHING we’re told to do. Mask it or casket!! You will SURELY regret not acquiescing to our demands, slave!! Apparently, just speaking words now brings a new reality into existence!! These people are like alchemists! It’s the same way our monetary system operates, so hey, why not create whatever false “reality” we want!? These suckers will believe ANYTHING we tell them!! Fucking idiots.

It is the TESTS and supposed “cases” of “infected,” but otherwise completely healthy people, that have only fanned the flames of fear to keep the world in face diapers worrying that someone, ANYONE, might be throwing off millions of invisible attackers that want nothing more than to invade your mucus membranes and KILL YOU like a swarm of Imperial Tie Fighters in a Star Wars battle scene! Yes, that’s basically what you believe. Good thing they don’t have the fuel to fly more than six feet! Fucking idiots.

It is the TESTS that are and always were meant to be the crux upon which this entire scam rested because you couldn’t throw a global pandemic if no one showed up to die of anything other than the flu or the dozens of other diseases that have now magically disappeared, now could you?! At a certain point you just can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the entire situation and shake your head in amazement at the utter stupidity of the willfully ignorant. There were no massive increases in deaths or supposed ACTUAL cases of infection, but hey, what’s that have anything to do with facts?! Traumatize them with SCARY graphics and numbers and overly dramatic stories from the “front lines” and “survivors!!” Fucking idiots.

STOP GETTING TESTED!! There IS NO “CONTAGIOUS” VIRUS!! There is ONLY toxicity! Period! Clean up your lifestyle and you’ll have nothing to fear until the criminal class decides to sneak dangerous or deadly toxins into the environment to bring about the promised “second wave that’ll get your attention,” exclaimed by Shill Gates, as he arrogantly snickered with his equally pathetic and demonic wife. Yes, governments not only HAVE done that in the past, but they most assuredly WILL again if they are not stopped. Their primary aim is population reduction. They’ve already begun. Fear alone, is a killer and the severe depression this psyop created has already killed thousands via suicide. It’s despicable.

And here we are now, 5 months into the New World Order and it’s only going to get worse from here if we don’t stop their momentum. To keep this on the shorter side, I decided to withhold all of the obvious and already well known information proving the CV conspiracy – known especially by those in my friends and followers lists. All of the proof will all be available on my new website for everyone to use as a resource to send and convince others. So, I opted instead to make this a different type of article and not repeat what everyone else is saying. That gets monotonous and I have no interest in boring anyone. After 5 months, 3 days and over 1800 hours of work and research into this since March 11th (added to the 13 years and 35,000 hours of previous research) the agenda is clear to me. As well as the only path to freedom for humanity.

The “global warming/climate change” agenda failed over and over to ignite the globalist’s NWO revolution. They tried the soft approach to implement Agenda 21 regionally using the Delphi Technique, but local activists caught wind and shut it down in many communities around the nation and world thanks in large part to the work of Rosa Koire, Michael Shaw and many others. The agenda was then kicked further down the road and shifted to Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. Of the 17 “goals” critical to this technocratic world order, 14 of them require full vac sin nation of the entire population with ZERO exemptions for anyone to opt out. But, how would they implement a plan like this that would have enormous push back from a large percentage who are wary of billionaires bearing gifts to “save the world from itself!?”

Initiate the Rockefeller Foundation’s Lock Step Scenario!! Scare the fuck out of the population with a massive and coordinated global “pandemic” that had been “predicted” by the very people pushing the agenda and conveniently positioned to profit enormously off of the confidence game. Yes, the world has been conned. Follow the money.

The only way to do this effectively and make sure to pull it off without a hitch would be to obsessively plan it out over and over, in meetings like Event 201, Dark Winter, Exercise Cygnus, and a myriad of other “table top” exercises to ensure everyone was on the same page. Make sure media was all in on the ruse and get social media giants to censor anyone and everyone who might be challenging the official narrative. You don’t want to the mind-numbed masses to begin questioning the gaslighting of which they have unwittingly become victims.

Then, all you need is the story, an enemy and believable “threat” to the entire population of the world. And even better, make that new threat come from an economically and ideologically menacing nation to ensure a war was in the mix after the planned financial collapse. You need SOMEONE to blame, after all! The people will DEMAND that they enemy PAY for what they have done to us!! They always include war in the plan as a way to further profit, depopulate, and gain more power as they “rebuild” society in THEIR image after the economic devastation. And we have continually fallen for the Hegelian Dialectic. Over and over throughout history. Maybe lets flip the script this time?! We should be smarter than what we have shown by now…

To finally kickstart the agenda with only a decade left to fulfill the endgame, a wrench needed to be thrown into the current system. The entire global economic engine needed to be brought to a standstill so that the planned “new digital economy” with social scores and full tracking of every individual’s every movement could be implemented. The Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution has begun, but it doesn’t need to fully manifest. We outnumber them immensely and can stop if the will is there to do so.

But, how to collapse the global financial system and completely gridlock and break the supply chains so that the planned “Great Reset” and completely AI controlled society sounds acceptable to the masses? How does one bring 7 billion plus people to their knees and get them to submit to a tyrannical system of control?

Introduce the phantom menace into the mix and make sure the entire world FEARS it!! Manipulate data, formulate the “official” (false) narrative, and have the controlled media repeat it over and over, 24/7 until the LIE becomes reality in the minds of the majority. The resistance and skeptics will be called out as insane along with the usual, tired moniker, “conspiracy theorists.” They already ensured the typical reaction with over 50 years of diabolical conspiracies perpetrated on people and nations all over the world so that anyone questioning the official narrative would be ridiculed and their character destroyed. The tactic works every time and the threat doesn’t even need to be REAL! Only the PERCEPTION does!! Fucking idiots.

This is the blueprint for global enslavement. And the enemy has executed it almost flawlessly. But, they didn’t estimate the power of the human spirit and the will of millions to remain FREE! They thought they had broken us completely by now. They were wrong…

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