Concerned About the Global Proliferation of 5G?!

Originally Posted to Facebook on May 28, 2020

I watch a LOT of videos online. Videos that enlighten, educate and force me to question the world as it is. And I’ve come to the realization over many years that we do, in fact, live in a manufactured, false reality; not based in objective truth, but subjective opinion formed by wealthy people with a sinister agenda. Their aim is to fool us into believing a certain narrative so that they can profit and gain more control over our lives due to our programmed ignorance and via the constant perpetuation of FEAR through their controlled media channels. This causes disorder, chaos, misery and suffering in our world when there actually doesn’t have to be much at all. The problem is in our minds and what we have willfully chosen to beLIEve.
I don’t “binge watch” anything on TV and haven’t for years. I’ve realized that time is of the essence and that we have become the most over-entertained and under-educated society in perhaps the history of the world. We trust and form dangerous beLIEfs based on what is spoon fed to us by our televisions, but there are those of us for whom education and elevating consciousness is of the utmost importance. Truth, to us, is all that matters.
I came across a conversation last week on a channel to which I recently subscribed. It was so content rich and full of veritas not only on the reality of our current global situation, the LIES that created it, and solutions for working our way out of it that I listened to it TWICE! These 3 men are definitely part of my (our) tribe!! I highly encourage everyone to watch this video and listen to these three awakened minds because they ARE part of the solution for humanity!! Sadly, as of this posting, there has only been 585 views.
Towards the end, one guest, Josh Del Sol was talking about the 5G Summit he is hosting beginning next Monday, June 1, 2020. There are many theories flying around out there about what it is, what it does, what the dangers are, etc., and a lot of speculation that may or may not be true. I don’t know what to believe because I have heard opinions from both sides of the argument. But, asking questions, seeking answers and informing ourselves is the best way to eventually make sure the right actions are taken in all of our best interests. Without an informed public, we are led simply by beLIEfs programmed into our minds by those with an agenda.
What I DO know is that we are being forced to accept a technology that will envelop the ENTIRE planet in a new form of radiation; adding to the already incredible amount of invisible RF, EMF and who knows what other type of radiation in which we’re already immersed on a daily basis. Yet, billions of dollars exchanges hands, government “regulators” and “protectors of the public” look the other way, completely ignoring any possible dangers or even raising pertinent questions. This is NOT the way things are supposed to work, yet that is our current reality. The ONLY way to change our reality is to create an informed critical mass. But, if you’ve been following me, you already understand that…😉
Beginning Monday, June 1st, 6 interviews with experts in all different fields of study and research concerning 5G will be available for FREE to watch online and they will be available to view for 24 hours. There will be 6 NEW videos each day to watch and to educate the masses. This is information that NEEDS to be learned by the public and shared with as many people as possible. The puppets in the District of Criminals are only bowing to the almighty dollar at potentially great harm to their constituents and our health. It is time to arm ourselves with the KNOWLEDGE that can set us free!
Oh, and watch the video posted as well! Lots of great information is covered concerning the global psyop we are currently enduring! It’s ironic I had forgotten the title of this video when I wrote my post yesterday about solutions!! But, solutions are what we are ALL seeking right now!
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