Another Smoking Gun of the Globalist Agenda

Originally Posted to Facebook on May 5, 2020

Who wants a smoking gun?! Who wants to REALLY understand what all this insanity is about? All the HYPE and FEAR porn bombarding the mindless masses on a daily basis? I had heard Dr. Shiva talk about this a few weeks ago, but to see it actually admitted on film is something COMPLETELY different! Spiro Skouras is one of the BEST investigative journalists and commentators out there today, and he does it in his spare time! Subscribe to his YouTube channel! He does the most comprehensive and detailed videos along with James Corbett. Shockingly, this video has only gotten roughly 30,000 views since he uploaded it 2 days ago.
Anyway, I’ve been driving home for weeks now that the root of all of this is SDG 2030 and to focus on anything else is only hacking at the branches of tyranny instead of striking the root. This IS the agenda. And it is, again, diabolical. This video is only 9 1/2 minutes long, but it shows exactly WHY the world is experiencing what it is right now. 14 of the 17 sustainable development goals of the technocrats who have hijacked the world REQUIRE FULL VAC SIN NATION of 100% of the population. Simmer on that…
Will you allow this to continue? Critical mass is the key. ✊✊✊
Mic drop at 1:54. There you go folks! That is your future if you do NOT push back!!! These people are sick. (Also confirms the reasons for the push behind universal “health” care. They want a medical martial law scenario and full access to your body without your consent.) Getting pissed YET? Carry on, stay vigilant and continue to awaken the masses!!

(Video starts at Mic Drop moment.  Full video should be watched, however.)
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