Artificial Intelligence and the Control of EVERYTHING on Earth!

Originally Posted to Facebook on July 11, 2020

🛑 ‼️ ‼️ *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣    RED ALERT    *️⃣ *️⃣ *️⃣ ‼️ ‼️ 🛑

I’m working on a bunch of things right now and I now have to go out of state for the night, but I wanted to drop this on my timeline today to keep everyone informed of the enemy’s actions.
Understanding how everything is connected is CRUCIAL right now. Putting the pieces of the puzzle together will give you a road map of our future if we don’t take corrective action. This is why I am doing everything I can to awaken the masses and help to change course for our future. Everything happening right now is ALL connected. It is ALL part of a greater agenda that has the ultimate goal of complete human enslavement and control.
I came across this YouTube channel and creator (The Ice Age Farmer) last week and I’m glad because directing people to his channel and website saves me a TON of time in having to certain things myself. What he is doing it connecting the dots that need to be connected. CV-1984 is the red-herring and non-existent “pathogen” (it’s “invisible” so only the PUBLIC PERCEPTION needs to be real – how perfectly CONvenient, no!?!) to not only distract us, but to institute MANY other facets of this takeover agenda. Christian here is doing one of the BEST jobs out there of showing how everything connects, especially when it comes to our FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS!!! Food has been used as a weapon to control and reduce populations MANY times throughout history…
I’ve already watched over a dozen of his videos, but this one which is only 3 weeks old, is POWERFUL. The world being constructed around us is a literal prison. The invisible walls are going up around us and are built on false ideology, scientism, dogma, 5G technology, and the majority’s unwillingness to listen to those of us who actually DO know what is going on behind “The Great Wizard of Oz'” curtain. This video only has about 69,000 views when it needs 69 MILLION. Watch, like, share, subscribe!! This guy KNOWS what he is talking about!! We must be vigilant at all times and be prepared. The future is not yet decided, but if the enemy has THEIR way, this is what it will look like. WE can change the course, but it is going to take everyone doing their part to build a better world and make these people and their sick plans for humanity OBSOLETE!!!
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