Tough love is STILL LOVE, even if it ruffles some feathers or hurts some feelings. It is a temporary discomfort for those who need the “nudge.” It’s been nearly half a YEAR now since this psyop was launched on humanity. Every single person in this world who has access to the Internet has had the opportunity to educate themselves to the TRUTH. However, they have willfully chosen the path of least resistance. They have chosen intellectual SLOTH. They have chosen FEAR. They have chosen SUBMISSION. They have chosen IGNORANCE. They have chosen CONFORMITY. They have chosen ARROGANCE. They have chosen APATHY. They have chosen ENTERTAINMENT over EDUCATION. They have binge-watched millions of hours of Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime and/or spent millions of hours playing worthless video games, I am certain. Had they instead been doing the research I and MANY of you out there have, we would no longer be in this mess! Ignorance is a choice in the information age. And a very poor one at that.
This is essentially the problem with the idea of “democracy” which I now defiantly refer to as DUMBocracy. Because it is always this uneducated and willfully ignorant MAJORITY of a population who choose to take the path of least resistance, and thus, chart the path for a future of enslavement. We are led by the majority vote of the most ignorant among us. And it was never meant to be that way. Nowhere in our founding documents do we find the word “democracy” anywhere and yet, the media and government refer to our system of government as such over and over again. Ever wonder why? The more people they allowed to vote, the more dumbed down our collective voice became. The intellect that formed this great nation was diluted by the cries for “justice,” “fairness,” and “equality.” Well, justice, fairness, and equality rely on an informed and educated population – not an indoctrinated one.
Only a very small percentage of people live with honor and integrity and constantly push themselves to learn, to grow, and to ascend in consciousness. Yet, we are led by the OPINION of the majority who are easily swayed by the social engineers’ slick propaganda and the influence of their equally as ignorant friends and family. Isn’t there something fundamentally WRONG with that system?! Do we not think that DUMBocracy is so heavily pushed via controlled media channels as the epitome of “societal control” for a reason!? FreeDUMB of choice is merely an illusion. If it were an actual danger or threat to the ruling class, wouldn’t it be censored like every other bit of truth in social media these days?!? Think about it…
Whatever the ruling criminal class pushes is pure garbage and damaging to the individual – both physically and mentally. And, well, spiritually, too, if you really think about it. When enough individuals are damaged, communities and societies crumble. That is the human condition and history has proven this over and over again. It’s time to SERIOUSLY think outside of the box. It’s time for something COMPLETELY different to rise and replace the idea of “government.” It is clearly NOT working. It is time that hindsight come into play and humanity sees the error of its ways. And what a more perfect year for that than 2020.
It’s time to push back. It’s time to let the willfully ignorant know just how foolish they have been and how damaging to the entire world that their ignorance of objective reality truly is to our future. I’m sick and God damned tired of living in a false realty where essentially everyone is still believing in this dark, dystopian fantasy world created to prey upon the fears of the blind, unthinking masses. I’m sick and tired of everyone still PRETENDING that there is and ever WAS a fucking pandemic!! By the very definition, THERE ISN’T and THERE NEVER WAS!!! But, they choose to continue believing in the BIG LIE for fear of admitting they were fooled. They are allowing their EGOs to control them. They are leading us into a darkness from which humanity will never escape. And they “think” they are all doing the “right thing!” The propaganda is relentless and powerful! So, we must push back in an equally relentless way.
“Ciphers are individuals lacking in moral autonomy, deficient in critical thinking, and incapable of acting with courage. The cipher is too afraid or incompetent to think for himself, and so, he submissively regurgitates slogans heard in the media, and robotically obeys orders from the political class. These dehumanized non-entities are molded by years of indoctrination in State schools, decades of propaganda from media and popular culture, and constant exposure to numbing and dumbing distractions. The cipher is the man or woman who’s spirit has been broken and who is the easy prey of the power hungry amongst the political class.”
They are the mindless masses whom support and enable the system that continues to impose more and more draconian measures of control on the populations over which they rule with the velvet glove hiding the iron fist. But, that velvet glove has worn and there are many holes in it now. Herbert spoke about this idea of ciphers in 1906 at Oxford University. The more things change, the more they stay the same. But, he also knew the remedy – education, enlightenment, and escape from the system of control that creates the ciphers. But how is that accomplished?
We’ve been kind and patient as the world continues to spiral out of control – all by a meticulously detailed, decades long plan of societal destruction. The media and criminal class are creating this illusory calm before the real storm, but things are only going to get worse if we do nothing; and even if we do. It will take a long time to recover from just the 6 months of devastation we’ve experienced already. How much more damage will we allow that will ultimately need to be undone? It’s time for tough love. We know we are in the right and the mindless masses are in the wrong. It is time to let them know in every way possible that THEY are the problem and not us. We are not only trying to free them, but working to create a better world for everyone without the top-down control mechanism called government that we all have allowed to fester and grow like a parasitic cancer on the entirety of humanity for centuries and generations. The time has finally come to stop the bleeding and begin to heal.