How Far Will We Allow Them To Push Us Before We Say, “NO MORE!?”

S#!T is getting more and more real by the day. For anyone out there who can’t figure out the nature of this psyop by now, I’d say turn off your TVs and look a little deeper. Do a little research for ONCE. Stop following the crowd, taking the path of least resistance, challenge yourself, your programmed beLIEfs, and take the path of MOST resistance. It is the only way we GROW, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

March 11th we were told a “global pandemic” had been declared by known illegitimate authorities on “health;” both the WHO and the CDC. But, the people took the bait. I knew from the start it was BS, but I immediately began to dive deep into the roots of this deception and have not stopped a single day since, working between 14-18 hours every day. For ZERO pay, I might add. Because if YOU lose YOUR freedom, it will mean I have lost mine as well.

The “lockdown” was supposed to last 2-3 weeks because clearly the blatant LIES they told us about “incubation periods” and “flattening the curve” were just a temporary ruse. And throw them a few bucks to ease the pain. (I did NOT qualify, btw, and have lost between $10k and $14k already.) But, it’s all for our “SAFETY!” Then it was extended…and extended…AND EXTENDED and not a single person in a position of “authority” questioned the logic OR science!!! Even after they told us that the “virus” couldn’t survive in the sunlight or heat, here we are at the beginning of the HOT Texas summer and my idiotic, AOC wannabe county judge, Lina Hidalgo, just extended MANDATORY FACE MASKS IN ALL BUSINESSES through the end of June or they can face a $1000 fine!!

It is completely unlawful and criminal to do so, but everyone is complying out of fear because Big Daddy Government enforces their WILL via THEFT AND FORCE in complete violation of Natural Law. And then it will be July. And then August!! Do we not see a pattern here, folks?! They are doing EVERYTHING on the basis of FALSE statistics and RIGGED tests!! And the people march in Lock Step, just as the Rockefeller Foundation “prescribed” back in 2010.

This is war. This is war on our minds, our bodies, our freedom, our free will and our ability to engage in INFORMED CONSENT!!! I am getting sick of this, but I feel it is adding to the critical mass we need, so that is the only silver lining. After finally getting back in the groove at the gym after being forced to take 8 ½ weeks off, again, against my WILL, I now have to have a mask on to enter the gym!! However, I can take it off to work out SO LONG as I submit to the SOCIAL DISTANCING guidelines!! All for a FUCKING LIE!!! Yeah, I’m pissed. So, will I submit? I think you all know that answer by now…

I am going to create one of those cards going around, laminate it and walk in, UNMASKED, hand it to them, allow them to read it and keep it with them while I am in the facility and go about my workout. I am going to talk to people and not keep my distance like some sort of anti-social freak. I am a HUMAN BEING and I am NOT STUPID enough to fall for this utter bullshit! My line was crossed long ago. I cannot go to Costco or many other establishments because I will NOT submit. I cannot do a lot of things because I will NOT submit.

So, what are we supposed to do? If we accept this, which the majority are, what is the NEXT line they will cross? I know exactly where this is going and I am working on that blog – Part 3 of my “Manufacturing a Pandemic” series. This is the slow creep of tyranny and everyone still thinks it’s about a virus that doesn’t exist. That is how massively controlled we have become. We must unlock the minds of the masses and yeah, it’s time to stop being “polite.” We are LOSING our freedom day by day and the longer we let this go, the more difficult it will be to get back!! My post from yesterday can help in that process if you missed it. Look for the Buddha picture and the quote about enlightenment.

As for myself, I will not, EVER, wear a mask to appease anyone else or because some completely moronic bureaucrat issues an illegitimate, county-wide mandate. I am a man of integrity and conviction and I will NOT submit. Period.

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