I sincerely feel sorry for anyone named Karen these days who are genuinely good people. It is a social meme now to refer to any busy-body who imposes their mis-informed opinions and will upon others expressing their freedom of speech or any other natural rights. You know who they are. I experienced an “attack” this morning and I thought about it before responding. What follows is what came out after deep thought and subsequent action on my part to gently enlighten yet another lost soul among millions on this planet.
My original comment was in response to a marketing “guru’s” post encouraging people to look at our “forced vacation” in a positive light and to accomplish things we might otherwise have put off until, who knows when. It was a good post, but I took the opportunity to play on his words and post the following about the proposed forced vaccinations:
As you can see, the response was overwhelmingly positive and many people responded saying they would not submit to any forced medical intervention by government which gave me hope that the public is awakened to the agenda really behind this manufactured “crisis.”
That is, until this morning. I went to check my Facebook alerts and found the following message had been left regarding my post:
Clearly, as we all know, some people (the “Karens” of the world) can’t seem to mind their own business and input their falsely based opinions whenever and wherever they feel it is a social and moral duty. And, I fear more than anything, moving forward that we all will encounter more and more of this in our daily lives as millions fall prey to the logical fallacy of “Argumentum ad Verecundiam,’ because that is the only source of truth they have. I fully know now how every society in the history of the world fell to tyrannical forces. It is happening right here and right now. The masses have refused to seek truth in their lives, believing falsely, that our opinions are merely “rights” that are irrefutable. They are not and I wrote about this in a previous blog.
I chose to take the high road, however, and respond from a place of love, because that is how we will take this world back. I address all of this in the response, so without further ado, here is how I took over an hour of my day to respond to her. Enjoy, share and feel free to leave your comments below!
Claire Aarabella Martínez There are many ways in which I could respond to this veiled attack on my free speech, but unlike most, I will respond from a place of love because I realize you are operating from a place of fear and false beliefs created by a controlled media machine of which you are clearly unaware. It’s exactly because of people with your mindset that I do what I do because, unfortunately, in a democracy, I can lose my freedom to choose what is best for me if just 51% decide that I need to submit to their beliefs or whim. And I (as most people do) have a huge problem with anyone enforcing their will or beliefs upon me. I’m sure you do as well. There is no freedom in a tyrannical “democracy” built on the foundation of lies and misinformation as ours is currently.
I see from your Facebook page that you are a deeply religious person, so I will start with a few of my favorite scriptures:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Matthew 7:7
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4:6
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32
Now, if you profess to be a Christian and Bible believing individual, I implore you to apply the above wisdom to your beliefs and ask yourself if you are in fact, seeking truth. Because based upon objective reality and your response to my post, you clearly are not. And most don’t realize how much our egos can get in the way of challenging what we do believe. You see, not nearly enough are seeking truth these days and we will never know the truth until we seek, ask, and knock. You are blindly believing what is told to you by your TV and clearly not questioning what is being told. As the vast majority are, and why we will be destroyed – because of our lack of knowledge. If we truly want to be made free, we MUST seek truth or we WILL be destroyed.
Now that I have set the table, I wish to show you the truth. I will take you to the water, but only you can choose to drink. And perhaps look at the reactions to my post as well. Out of 143 reactions, only 4 laughed. All others either agree or are shocked/saddened by what you choose to call “news.” Thus, you are in a minority of .0279% and I in the majority of 99.97%. Perhaps again, you need to check your beliefs and ask if just maybe it is you who is mistaken.
So, here is the truth. I sincerely hope you will take the time to educate yourself as to what is really going on so that you may also make the effort to inform and enlighten your own personal circle of influence. This is the only way in which humanity will extricate itself from the chains that have been silently placed upon our ankles and wrists. The video I have posted below is from another deeply religious woman, Celeste Solum. She is a former FEMA employee and whistleblower. In the video, she documents IN DETAIL what was to happen and what we have all personally experienced since a global “pandemic” was declared on March 11th.
The chilling part is what is still to come and to what Fauci and Gates have already alluded to on TV. That a “return to normalcy would not happen until most of the world is vaccinated.” You see, that is the plan and the reason for this entire charade. The real kicker here is the fact that she uploaded the video warning on February 3rd or FIVE WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT STARTED!! You remember, don’t you? The day after the Super Bowl? When most hadn’t even heard about CV-1984 and everything was still “normal?” So, ask yourself, how did she know? How did she have so many details? Perhaps it’s because she is reading directly from government documents? This has been planned for years and we are just pawns in the game. In the second video, she goes over the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, World Economic Forum, and, you guessed it, the World Health Organization! As you can see, SDG 2030 is the world as envisioned by Huxley and Orwell in their books “Brave New World” and “1984,” but on STEROIDS. It is not a world in which you would want your children to live or grow up.
I’m sure, being the deeply religious person you are, that you are aware of the Beast system, correct? The mark of the beast, etc…? Well, that is what this is all about. No one will be able to buy or sell unless we have the “mark,” meaning Bill Gates’ ID2020, or “proof” of vaccination, to be allowed back into society. Are you beginning to put the pieces together yet? Do you see why I am warning people? Do you see how your blinders have prevented you from seeing the truth? Seek and ye shall find… You didn’t seek, but you certainly knocked when you chose to tattle on me to Mark Joyner. So, I am answering and opening the door for you. This is the truth you are subconsciously seeking.
I have given you here, what you need to know to begin your years of deprogramming and to understand the TRUTH about what is really going on behind Oz’ great curtain of deception. I forgive you for your trespasses against me. I fully understand that you have been deceived by great evil as the entire world has. I hope that you will take this opportunity to do as we have been told by this great ancient wisdom and seek the truth. It will not only set you free, but it will help to set us ALL free and keep us from being destroyed. May peace, love and enlightenment be your guides from here forward.