Government Must Be Completely Reformed or Abolished

Posted to Facebook on May 4, 2020


verb – To control the actions or behavior of; To make and administer the public policy and affairs of (a state, for example); exercise sovereign authority over; To control the speed or magnitude of; regulate.

synonyms: rule – preside over – be in power over – reign over – control

It is time. It is time to think differently. It is time for natural selection to take place and for old, ineffective systems to die off and be replaced with more efficient and equitable ones. If humanity is to survive, it is actually way past time. Government’s ONLY purpose is to protect the NATURAL RIGHTS of the people of a nation or society. Period. We need new thinking to solve the problems we’ve allowed to fester. And asking or demanding an entity that has continued to ignore the will of the people and be bought by the highest bidder with zero regard for the well-being of their constituents (or the world, for that matter), will no longer suffice. Their false rhetoric has gotten old and can no longer be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain.

Governments globally have been hijacked over the past 2 centuries. They have become nothing more than a tool, much like a hammer can be used to extract a nail, or a vacuum cleaner to suck up the wealth of the labor of the people; and as well like a hammer to pound down the nail that sticks up. Government is not reason. Government is not the protector. Government is force and control. Government is a racketeering entity akin to the Mafia. It is corrupt through and through and is beyond repair. All three branches of government cover the ass of the others when they’re not fighting amongst themselves to promote their false ideologies. It is the cancer that is rotting the health of society and will kill the entire nation and world if left unchecked any further.

It is time to think differently. It is time for the good people of the world, the critically thinking, the empathetic and compassionate to unite and create a new system. That is the only option at this point. I have pointed out in my posts over the past week the true enemies of the people. They are guilty of crimes against humanity so egregious that they can NOT be allowed to exist any longer and must be dissolved.

Government no longer represents the voice or the will of the people. It has been divided into 2 wings that have divided the people of this great nation into warring factions that can now be conquered because we are no longer united under a common purpose. The same pattern has been duplicated throughout the world. To beg them to please lighten the metaphorical chains they have placed on our ankles and wrists with egregious taxation and regulation is to act as a slave, not the true sovereigns we are and were created to be!! THEY are the servant, not the master! Yet, here we are, acting as the inferiors to those whose power is only imagined by the collective. It is an illusion we can overcome with the correct information. With the truth, we can be set free.

And, we already have the remedy. It is ordained by the Creator of everything in the universe and documented into written word for the world to read. It is based in Natural Law, which is the ultimate judge and jury and must be honored or negative consequences will continue to be borne by the masses. For it to be rejected is an act of war against all of mankind.

The Declaration of Independence was our founding father’s answer to tyranny and it gave our nation a fighting chance to experience a freedom never before seen in the history of the world. Yes, they still committed atrocities with this new-found freedom, but history has shown the world the errors of their ways and ours. We MUST adopt new thinking and new ideas to restore humanity’s Natural Right to autonomy and to fulfill our true destiny. I can’t believe that a loving Creator would give us free will only to allow us to be enslaved and dominated by a relatively tiny percentage of the population.

We have strength in numbers. We have strength in unity and we have strength in intellect. The system we have allowed to metastasize around us is the blame of our previous generations, but we must take responsibility for our current situation and change it before it is too far gone to do so.

We can’t go back to our “old normal” and we certainly can’t move forward into the “new normal” that is being proposed and heavily pushed by the criminal ruling class and their mindless, media minions ad nauseam, 24/7. It is a nightmarish world of technocratic, iron-fist control of everybody and everything and the elimination of free will or informed consent. The documentation of this agenda is free for everyone to find. Enough is enough.

We have been attacked across the board. People are suffering. Businesses and lives have been destroyed over a long-planned and intricately coordinated attack on the world by a phantom menace. How much more will we take? How much longer will we allow them to control our minds, demand we cover our faces and keep our distance from others? Can we not see the nature of the operation? How much longer will humanity bow to other, inferior men of zero moral character? Not elite, but elitist. Not gods, but men. And women, too, who are equally as despicable as the men. Evil has overtaken this world because good people have allowed it to. We cannot allow it to happen any longer if we have any chance at real freedom.

Our remedy is written. It can be used again and as often as needed. These people didn’t fight and die so that we could once again be enslaved by pschopaths and mad “scientists” hell bent on poisoning humanity with their injections and injunctions. Are we not stronger than to bow to these weak and pathetic narcissists? Are we not courageous enough to stand up en masse to the tiny fraction of monsters controlling our world? If not now, when? If not now, why? How much more will we take and how much more will we allow the weakest among us to vote for our continued enslavement?

That is the problem with “democracy.” It is mob rule. It is 51% enforcing its will on the other 49%. It is a joke and it is no way representative, so please don’t come at me with your weak arguments supporting a system completely susceptible to corruption or a “living” document that has been re-written over the centuries to completely subvert its original intent. It has been tried and it has proven to be a failure. Something new must be tried. Something new that is based in Natural Law, not the “law of Kings” or those supposedly “ordained by God” to rule over the masses. I’m tired of being lead by the most ignorant, evil and insane among us. We MUST think differently and we MUST create a new system. As the late, great Neal Peart once wrote, it is the time for “A Farewell to Kings.”

I’ll bet not one in a thousand people who might read this article has ever bothered to read and internalize the entire Declaration of Independence. Because if a majority of Americans had and taken the words to heart, we would not find ourselves in the mess we are. Virtually every single argument brought forth in the document for independence from a tyrannical system has once again been violated with impunity and complete contempt for those they have sworn to serve!

The document is one of the most powerfully written in the history of humanity, along with the Magna Carta. We listen daily to endless propaganda and lies and accept them as our reality when all they do is create a false perception based in the opposite of objective truth. And therein lies the problem. The apathy, ignorance and intellectual sloth of the average person. That is the problem we face and if people don’t want to be informed, then those who do must pick up the baton handed off by our forefathers and carry it on to the finish line.

Our work is far from done and it has only just begun. The criminal class has made their move and will not relent until we are fully enslaved or they are cast into oblivion.  That could be as simple as informing a critical mass to the gravity of the situation and thus, rendering their power completely impotent. Because the next revolution must be one of the mind. The tools are available to spread the word and the truth globally faster than any “contagion.”

Are we willing to accept the truth, though? Are we willing to accept the responsibility that is ours to bear? That is our only option at this point in history, so we must accept it. It has been documented that the ruling criminal class’ greatest fear is the mass awakening of the public to our TRUE power!! They know that once exposed to the light of truth, that their plans all but crumble. So, it is as simple as that. But, again, people must be willing to learn and accept the truth.

Below is a link to the Declaration of Independence. I encourage everyone to read it. And to really understand the words as you do. To understand the amazing gift that was given not only to America, but to all of humanity and those willing enough to stand up for their rights and freedoms. Freedom is most importantly a responsibility as well as a right. It is NOT free and it will be lost if not continuously and firmly asserted against those who would trespass against it or attempt to usurp it with force OR deception. While it is only a document that takes a matter of minutes to read, I will highlight the most important excerpt below.

The right and responsibility is ours. We have been deceived by many people with evil intent who come with promises of care, support, equality and health, but give us nothing of the sort in return. They lie and commit crimes against humanity and nature every single day of our lives. And we sit back and allow them to for just a little bit of comfort along with virtually half of our earnings and labor! Is this not an insane way to experience life?!

What has happened to us? We’ve become pathetic shadows of those who came before us. They would be so ashamed of what we have allowed to manifest in their absence. It is time to regain our power, our will and the fortitude it will take to restore humanity back to its purpose and destiny. And that is to be good stewards of our planet and to ensure a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious, and cooperative future for our progeny.

Is that so much to ask…? Are you ready?

Excerpt from The Declaration of Independence:

“–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

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