Originally Posted to Facebook on 11.29.21
I wrote and recorded a blog/vlog last Thanksgiving hoping that over the next year, I’d find many more things for which I would be thankful, however, that hasn’t happened. But, I was still thankful for all of the connections I had made with like-minded people all over the world. Sadly, I am less thankful and optimistic now than I was a year ago.
Last year the world was just over 8 months into the psyop, still reeling from the effects and still widely unsure how to react to the assault – hoping that soon “science” would have a “solution” to the “problem.” Not many understand the nature of living in a dialectic created by the manufacturers of consent; most believing that everything we were being told by the criminal ruling class was the truth and that they had our best interests in heart. They didn’t, they don’t, and they NEVER will. We are in a war for the future and the very survival of our species. We will either restore a natural balance with our world or we will somehow be “merged with machines” and fully inserted into the false reality of the Matrix.
So much is at stake in the world but the majority of people – even those supposedly “awake” – are acting as if it will all somehow work itself out like we’re living out a Hollywood movie script with a happy ending. We’re not. This is our reality and yet far too many can’t even see the objective, false nature of our condition, but many others simply choose not to. Those of us who have done the truly deep dive into our history and the agenda behind every major event that has negatively impacted and transformed society in ways people who have no discernment can know what is really going on; are desperate to alert everyone of our impending doom IF we don’t take massive and immediate measures to stop this final descent into complete despotism and enslavement.
It doesn’t have to go the way the criminal class has planned it, but looking back a year to last Thanksgiving, I can see every move – both subtle and blatantly obvious – they are making and I can see a world solely in reactive mode; not being proactive in any sort of means that will end in our emancipation. They have so many ways to attack us and so much wealth with which to do so that we are nothing more than fish in a barrel to them; laughing at us every time they make their next move and we fall into lockstep exactly as they have planned and expected. And even if we don’t, they have dozens of other ways to make life difficult for all of us. This is no way to live and the next assault will be worse than the last if we allow this to continue. And believe me, there will be many, MANY more assaults until we unite and break free of their influence.
I have known for years that this is how they operate. And I have known for years that the only true advantage we have over them is our strength in numbers. But, those numbers NEED to be united behind a single idea that will have the ability to render them and their power over us impotent. That is the only way we will ever defeat them. Many of the so-called “solutions” I have seen put out by many over the past year are half or quarter measures, would take much too long to implement, and we simply don’t have the luxury of time on our side. Most people don’t realize that in 1 month we will be 20% down the path to the full implementation of SDG 2030 from the beginning of 2020 and their plans to fully implement it by the end of the decade are moving along as they have projected.
Yet, people are celebrating. People are going about their lives as if there is nothing wrong and that we in America are somehow back to “normal,” whatever “normal” is to them. Life hasn’t been “normal” for decades, and perhaps our entire lives. America was taken over in the late 19th century and many nations of the world have already fallen to a form of socialism that has rendered the near entirety of their populations victims of Stockholm Syndrome.
We’re not free. Not even close. But, people act as if the restrictions and impositions on our freedom is somehow justified and acceptable. It isn’t. NONE OF IT IS acceptable. Because, first, all of the restrictions and impositions are ALL based on lies and deception most have willfully accepted as “just the way things are and there is nothing I can do about it.” That apathy is not only killing nations, it is killing all of human civilization. And, second, every last bit of it completely violates our rights to freedom and informed consent. So, I find it difficult to be thankful in a world of universal deceit that is blindly heading towards its own demise.
Many will say that I am sounding negative or pessimistic, but most don’t have the depth of knowledge, insight and understanding that comes from nearly 15 years of research, tens of thousands of hours of acquiring information and connecting dots with a mind that has the cognitive ability to do so. Most can’t possibly know what is really happening and how it is all being rolled out according to plan. The enemy has been frustrated that their plans have taken longer than expected to implement and that the world didn’t fall for their “global warming” fear mongering scam. So, they are committed to completely transforming society as we have known it our entire lives THIS DECADE. If we don’t take definitive and concerted effort and actions to stop it, they will win and we will look back wondering what we could have done otherwise.
Many say that we are winning and in some ways we are, but to what ends? Massive protests and push back around the world are leading us all down a path the enemy has already foreseen and one for which they have already planned. They expect revolution. They expect violence. They actually WANT us to resort to anger and non-peaceful means because it only gives them MORE power to impose their will to “protect” society from the “resistors.” So, they expect antagonism and vitriolic reaction to their attacks on us. They have means to protect themselves from this and to eliminate many revolutionaries in the process. We have to learn to STOP playing into their hands and get out of reactive mode by being proactive and begin CREATING outside of their control and purview.
The one thing they can’t defend against is peaceful non-compliance and the unification of hundreds of millions around the world simply deciding that we are DONE with their illegitimate legacy systems of control and that we are going to create a NEW system, a better world and a way of doing things that cuts them completely OUT of the loop. We don’t NEED them. They need US and it has always been that way. They are a parasite living off the creative energy of humanity, NOT vice versa as they try to make us believe in all of their propaganda that humanity is the enemy. When will we collectively realize this and finally get off our knees!?
Knowing all of this and so much more than I could ever put into a short blog post, I set out over a decade ago to solve the greatest problems in our world. And the only way to do that is to understand the root of the problems and apply Natural Law in solving them. That is exactly what I have done with my work and it’s all available for free on the Internet via my websites and video channels.
And, here I am, a year after officially launching The Freedom Project 2020, and only a very small handful of people truly understand the power in what I am proposing. I just don’t get it. Is there any imagination or free thinking left in the world? Are there enough people who actually WANT to fix this world? People keep looking to their captors and thinking that if they just play along with their demands that life will go back to the way it once was. It won’t. It never will. When will people realize this? When will people STOP PRETENDING?!?!
There is only one true path to freedom and it will take the individual effort of millions. We must unite under a single idea and put all of our effort towards bringing it to reality. It is possible even in this inverted clown world of complete absurdity. For everyone out there claiming that there are “numerous” solutions because everyone is “different,” or that the only solution is for everyone to “go within” and know thyself FIRST, they don’t quite understand the enemy. They don’t understand that if we all take our own individual paths in a world that will squash free-thinkers – especially when the masses have been whipped into a communitarian fervor by the weaponized media machine to attack all those who don’t comply with them for the “common good” – we will never make this world what it should be. Without uniting behind one idea that WILL change the world, we will never overcome the enemy or, we will end up in a chaotic mess and a power vacuum that will be filled with even worse people than before. They have too many resources at their disposal for us to fight them, so the solution is to simply walk away to a better system and leave theirs to die as soon as we remove our energy from keeping it viable.
We can all find ourselves and do the individual work that needs to be done AFTER we have created a world in which it is actually safe to do so. We are living in perhaps the most dangerous times in known history. Millions and perhaps billions will die over the next few years because of blind faith in their cult and false “leaders.” We are moving towards a world in which none of us will want to live. We won’t be allowed to live “off-grid” or in harmony with nature because the option is being eliminated. They will own everything and we will own nothing and eventually, your “off-grid” land will be THEIR land and you will be forced to leave.
Non-compliance to their demands will lead to imprisonment or death. The time to act is NOW, and not to do so in 3 billion individual ways. The time to act in UNISON, as ONE UNITED FORCE against evil is NOW. Once we have restored sovereignty to all and a system in which oppression, force, and coercion is no longer possible, we can all be free to live the lives we choose and fulfill our full potential in life. But, we MUST create that world FIRST. Everyone is seemingly putting the cart before the horse and I, for the life of me, can’t comprehend how people can be so myopic when the BIG PICTURE is so blatantly obvious by now.
The enemy will not relent. They may ease off as we accept our “new level of normal,” but they will come back with more attacks and mental manipulation as their goal is the elimination of most of humanity and the complete enslavement of the remainder. We are the only obstacle to stop this vision from coming to fruition, but we MUST UNITE under a single cause, a single plan of action, and a single unifying ideology of FREEDOM FOR ALL. We must keep it simple.
This is why it is difficult for me to be “thankful” this time of year. I know the full reality of our situation and condition. And for all those who were offended by my post on Wednesday, they don’t come close to fully understanding the gravity of our situation. They can’t possibly understand or they wouldn’t be so offended. How can I be “thankful” when our brothers and sisters in other nations are suffering and struggling physically, mentally, and otherwise under much worse conditions than we are here in America? We are all connected. We are all one. Just because YOU may have not felt the full force of tyranny yet, doesn’t mean that it is not coming here.
As long as others are starving or living in fear in this world because of the system in which we have grown up and have allowed to perpetuate our entire lives just because WE are satisfied, safe, and “unaffected;” I can’t feel fulfilled or thankful for anything other than the mind that has allowed me to see the reality of our world and the courage to do something about it. I can’t and I won’t pretend for a single day that things are fine and that there is much to be thankful for in a world controlled by complete evil and people who refuse to acknowledge that evil.
That said, I’ll be thankful when…
…people STOP pretending.
- Pretending that there is and ever was a “pandemic,” a “contagion” or “novel disease.”
- Pretending that this will all work itself out.
- Pretending that there are forces within government that are working in our best interests as millions die when they don’t have to and all for a massive LIE.
- Pretending that government will EVER have their best interests and that we can somehow “fix” the system.
- Pretending that their “CONstitution” or government somehow protects them in any way, whatsoever.
- Pretending that modern medicine has anything to offer humanity other than the best trauma care that we need in emergency situations.
- Pretending that we can do whatever we want in life without consequence.
- Pretending that our opinions are somehow a unchallengeable “right” and not a personal responsibility to understand and apply objective reality.
- Pretending that as long as their world is fine, that everyone else is and that they will never be harmed by ignoring reality.
- Pretending that any false flag event in history is what we were told it was by psychopathic authorities and their controlled propaganda outlets.
- Pretending that evil doesn’t control this world and there is nothing they can to do stop it so they ignore it.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the general idea…
However, I will be…
- Thankful when I actually see people realizing that our only path forward is to unite.
- Thankful when people make the transition from reactive mode to proactive mode.
- Thankful when I actually see positive action being taken every day towards building a better future for all of us, our progeny, and our world.
- Thankful when I see people finally maturing as real adults and stop living in programmed states of arrested development and learned helplessness.
- Thankful when people stop pointing fingers and take personal responsibility for their own beliefs and actions.
- Thankful when everyone is free to live the lives they choose because we have created a world of balance and general harmony by eliminating the most dangerous elements of civilization and society.
- Thankful when people finally begin focusing on SOLUTIONS and STOP obsessing on the world being created by the ruling criminal class.
- Thankful when people finally understand the power of manifestation, and that we will create that on which we focus our energy and that by focusing on the world being created for our enslavement, they are only inviting it and feeding it their energy.
- Thankful when ALL of that energy is directed towards solutions that emancipate humanity from its mental chains and abolish all forms of legacy institutions that have enslaved, oppressed, and stolen the wealth of humanity for millennia.
Then, and only then, will I be thankful and truly grateful to be alive and in this world. But, not a moment sooner… Until then, I live with this immense burden of knowledge I simply cannot ignore and an empathic will to do all I can to change the conditions of our reality for everyone – not just myself – because if this evil affects one of us, it affects all of us. Who’s with me?