What is at Stake? Freedom or Slavery. Which Will You Choose?

(Originally posted to Facebook on August 8, 2020.)

Freedom requires knowledge of truth and consistent effort to maintain by responsibly exercising your sovereign birth rights. Slavery requires that you do nothing but listen to and OBEY everything you are being told by your “leaders” and television. Slavery is the logical end for taking the path of least resistance. Freedom is the logical end of expressing our full intellectual capacity, peacefully cooperating with others and resisting anyone or groups who would impose their will upon us without our fully informed consent.
Freedom is love, growth, and ascension. Slavery is fear, atrophy, and death. Freedom is thriving in abundance where slavery is barely surviving in scarcity. The choice should be simple…
You know that “crazy conspiracy theorist” friend or family member who has spent HOURS if not YEARS of their life researching and looking into information you have either been too lazy or too “smart” to look into? You may want to listen to them. This “pandemic” is the ruling criminal oligarchy’s fascist BIG MOVE to purposely destroy the global economic engine and implement “The Great Reset” to bring about “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by enacting an agenda that has been in the planning stages for 50 years. It’s called “Agenda 21″ and has morphed into “Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.” Those goals include complete control over every aspect of your life and have nothing to do with benevolent environmentalism or care for the planet and its inhabitants. It’s is all about CONTROL. It is a global prison grid where every move and bit of communication is tracked, traced, and databased into deep learning, artificial intelligence systems that will be used to enslave humanity forever.
Seeing that is just 10 years from now and they plan on having everything fully in place by then is the very reason why 2020 has become the complete shit storm it has. It is NO coincidence. It has all been orchestrated and enacted by design. And, they can ONLY get away with this because they FULLY control the main stream media and know that the VAST MAJORITY of the population will fall for their carefully planned and executed propaganda. Their “soft” propaganda on frightening the world about “global warming” has failed because no one was buying their BS as their warnings have come to pass over and over with no dire predictions realized. And Greta’s childish and overly dramatic tirade at the UN certainly didn’t help. So, to accelerate their plans they needed to enact the Lock Step scenario laid out in eerily prescient detail from a Rockefeller Foundation report published in 2010 as if they had planned it all along to roll out this way. You may want look into that…
We are actually moving into a mini ice age because of the Grand Solar Minimum – a cycle the earth has experienced over and over throughout history like clockwork. This alone would affect food supplies for millions around the world, but this psychological operation has broken food supply chains globally on purpose. Expect the next phase of this attack on humanity to include mass starvation. That is still to come. You may still see your store shelves well stocked for now, but those days are coming to an end. The food supplies have been devastated globally this year and supplies will begin to dwindle as the Northern Hemisphere moves into the winter season. We’re only 5 months into this assault and we’ve only just begun to feel the pain. It only gets much worse from here unless we push back in a massive way…
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