Manufacturing a Pandemic, Part 1: The Virus

The definition of a critically thinking individual is one who looks at ALL sides of a story, processes the information, arguments and assertions, applies grammar and logic before coming up with their rhetoric, or an educated opinion. It’s only when there is absolutely zero ambiguity among the facts or logic that you can feel confident you have arrived at the truth. I am still in the middle of that process trying to understand the latest manufactured crisis, but I do know by now that it is, in fact, manufactured. The facts and logic are beginning to go way beyond coincidence and they in no way add up to the rhetoric being spewed 24/7 by the government or their mainstream media lapdogs. And at a certain point, coincidences become mathematically impossible.

There are many different theories floating around the world infecting human consciousness and having an overall more detrimental effect on humanity than any supposed infectious virus could possibly have. The worst being the “official narrative” perpetuated daily by the “authorities” and “trusted sources.” Tens of trillions in wealth has already been lost and who knows how many trillions more will be before all of this insanity subsides. Until, the “next pandemic” comes along, that is. We’ve been trained well now how to respond with complete submission. After 244 years, American society has been completely neutered. We’ve become compliant and obedient slaves once again.

In this blog, I will highlight and question the official narrative as well as the predominant alternative theories and look at what really matters in the end. This is how we get to truth, yet very few are following this protocol. We have a nation that is blindly following the official narrative being given by the “authorities,” without question, and we only need look at the bloody and tragic history of humanity to understand where that path has taken us in the past. I’m doing what I can to ensure that history is not doomed to repeat itself once again.

The Official Narrative

The narrative being told the public globally is that this specific virus is zoonotic and that it somehow jumped from a bat to a human in a wet market or seafood market in Wuhan, China. And that “patient zero” ultimately infected everyone else in the world. We’re being given a narrative that this is a danger to public health far greater than anything the world has ever seen and that life cannot return to any semblance of normalcy until we are given the “all clear” by the “authorities.” Why else would the reaction be so extreme and hyped up? I mean, the world has come to a grinding halt! For what? Also, what does “all clear” entail? It is already being implied by non-elected or representative citizens that we would need to “prove” ourselves “safe” before we could rejoin society! This is as Orwellian as it sounds.

But the official narrative always needs to be questioned when the official narrative has proven over and over throughout history to be false. A few valid questions that need to be asked and answered before an informed decision about anything can be made are as follows: How dangerous is this supposed virus really? Are the statistics being manipulated to create more fear, panic and justification for government dictates? Who benefits from the mass belief in this narrative and where does the money trail ultimately lead? Critical thinkers everywhere want and deserve to know. Everyone deserves to know the objective truth.

The Alternate Theories

There are a number of alternate theories being talked about, but suppressed from the mainstream media. As those who seek truth know, from Event 201, the plan was clearly stated to have “trusted sources” disseminate the official information via controlled media channels and to work with social media outlets in suppressing any voices that would raise critical thinking questions of that narrative. Only ONE narrative is allowed and people are NOT allowed to question anything put out by official sources. Because our rights have been completely eviscerated. Free speech and challenging official narratives is no longer an American right, apparently. At least, our arrogant “leaders” believe so. Along with the misinformed, ignorant and group-think Americans who will shame anyone questioning the official narrative they have chosen to be their personal reality. Why else would so much of the Event 201 discussion be around formulating the un-challengeable story to be put forth?

That said, the alternate theories I’ve heard are that it is a bio-engineered weapon that was created in China and either “escaped” a level 4 bio-weapons lab in Wuhan or was purposely released to suppress protests in the country. Other theories spin off of this one to insinuate that China purposely released it in response to losing the trade war with America. This theory also relates to the idea that the virus or contagion itself was developed in America under a “gain of function” research study that was looking into how to make viruses more lethal and that the technology was either stolen or given to the Chinese government in 2015 under the Obama administration.

Another theory is that the vector of infection was the contingent representing our American military at the 2019 World Military Games that took place in Wuhan, China from October 18th-27th. And yet, one more that most definitely needs more attention is the global roll-out of the 5G networks and their possible implications on the body and how it affects oxygen molecules. There is compelling evidence showing many negative effects on human health that have not been tested by industry leaders at all prior to the roll-out of this new technology as testified to in Congress.

So, there is a lot of speculation out there as to what is really going on. The right questions are being asked by the people who understand how psychological operations, propaganda and official narratives are created and implemented. The truth is, no one really knows at this point which of these stories is true, or if a combination or none of them are. Everyone has compelling evidence for their assertions, but not one source, including the “authorities” putting forth the “official narrative” has shown any concrete proof of anything. We’re told to believe in questionable tests, manipulated statistics and overly dramatic news reporting.

All we know for certain is that people are dying (because people die every day), and that many cases are being blamed on something that may or may not even be real. Because it’s invisible to the human eye. We are expected to believe that what we are being told is the truth and to accept the consequences of the actions taken and imposed by our “leaders.” Not dictators. Even though the world has been given dictates as to how to act, what to do and when and where they can go – under penalty of “law.” This is in NO way a global dictatorship. Banish the thought. It is simply a cooperative effort to combat the phantom menace. That’s what everyone is told to believe. And, for the most part, believe it they do.

But, as I have stated in my previous blogs, acting on things not in line with Natural Law, whether the belief is based on completely false information or not, will result in negative consequences. We are witnessing Natural Law in effect right now. Because the consequences of our beliefs and actions are manifesting every day. Unless, of course, the official narrative is actually the truth. Which, history has shown over and over, is usually not the case. Governments and bureaucrats lie. Like the GEICO commercials say, “it’s what they do.”

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”Lord Acton

The truth is, not enough people are questioning the official narrative. We’re collectively going along with what we’re being told. And it is not going to end well. The right questions that need to be asked in a time such as this actually lead us to a completely different narrative that is hidden beneath the surface of collective consciousness and behind the curtain of media gatekeepers. Where is Toto when you need him?

The Nature of Infectious Disease

Among the most fascinating questions I’ve come across yet pertain to the virus itself and the entire theory of infectious disease on which the whole world currently operates. Because, if that theory turns out to be false, (which many studies and scientific testing has shown) then the entire belief system on which Big Pharma, the Medical Industrial Complex, and the vaccine agenda stands, comes crumbling down like Building 7 late in the afternoon of 9/11. And this is the most interesting facet of all of this to me because of its implications to our past, present and future perception of reality and its connection to the laws of nature itself!

What is Natural Law in relation to and how does the body really function when it comes to viruses?!

That is the question everyone needs to be asking because if we can get to the truth about that question, then we can never be manipulated into all of the devastating decisions we have made over the past century and a half since this theory was proposed. The possibilities just boggle the mind of all things that would be affected if the infectious nature of viruses themselves turns out to be a widely suppressed secret!

We can speculate all day long as to whether this thing came from a bat, or a lab, or from China, or the US. We can chase our tails wondering who, what, when, where and why of the official and alternative narratives. And none of it would matter anyway. What doesn’t change with any of that is the consequences we are dealing with now and the world it will create for everyone moving forward.

People are being hurt. Financially, emotionally, and physically because fear is incredibly detrimental to our immune systems. Those who are called “non-essential” by the power structure are not in any way, whatsoever. Every single person is essential. We all have value! Our jobs, our work, our livelihood IS essential to every single one of us! And we’re being manipulated into believing yet another lie. For the “common good.” This is collectivism at its worst.

What is being done to us has nothing to do with an invisible virus. That is merely the misdirection. The magician’s trick. It goes much deeper and is much more insidious than that. The upcoming blogs will take a closer look at the official narrative, the players and ask the most pertinent critical thinking questions of all: who benefits and where does the money trail take us? I will also be exploring the infectious, “germ theory” of disease and the competing “terrain theory” propagated by Antoine BĂ©champ and completely suppressed by the current medical establishment. It’s a fascinating historical tale in itself and worth resurrecting in a world completely terrorized by something that may very well not even be anything to worry about at all.

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Jennifer Walker
Jennifer Walker
October 5, 2020 2:20 am

“…a certain point, coincidences become mathematically impossible.” Exactly!

jennifer w
jennifer w
October 3, 2020 12:47 am

I’m hooked! Good to (finally) read something that actually makes some kind of sense!