Controlled Opposition and “The Streisand Effect”

Originally Posted on Facebook, April 29, 2020
 If we allow this to happen, the economy will not open anytime soon. This will devastate our nation and world in ways we’ve never seen in history. This is economic war and all of us are the target. We must push back NOW and demand our nation and world open up immediately!
Q: What is the best way to get people to watch something you want them to believe is “dangerous” or “forbidden?”
A: You CENSOR it. It’s called the “Streisand Effect.”
I created a post yesterday about a “viral video” of 2 doctors in California calling BS on the plandemic. I believe it is part of the psyop whether intended by them or not. Here is my reasoning:
Follow the money. Understand the game. We’re playing checkers while the criminal class is playing 4 level chess. Cui bono? Rockefeller Foundation (who created the Lockstep Scenario in 2010) proposes 30 million tests per DAY at a cost of $100 – 500 BILLION!! Who will pay and who will profit? Think.
Here is the nature of the psyop and it’s pretty easy to understand if you understand the “solution” or synthesis to the thesis (CV-1984) and antithesis (create widespread fear) in this Hegelian Dialectic. The solution is ultimately to vac sin eight the entire population, according to SDG 2030. This is in conjunction with the digital ID and “immunity passports” already talked and written about openly. I have posted about all of this. Here is the path or progression to complete submission:
If you submit to “testing” so that you MAY BE ALLOWED back to work, you have already lowered your guard to whatever else they will enforce next. Next will be the digital ID, passport and ultimately, the vac scene. But the door the vampire needs you to open is the TEST. And that’s what these doctors are pushing for at the end of the video.
So, what’s the best way to get you to submit? Think people. We are dealing with a criminal class that will stop at nothing to completely control society. Never forget every politician ever. They tell you what you want to hear to get you to do things against your best interest. All the while gaslighting you to make you believe it IS in your best interest. 
Hint: It NEVER is.
In regards to the video in question, think good cop/bad cop. “They” (ruling criminal class) see the public push back. They already know they are widely hated and distrusted. They see the algorithms because they set it up that way. So they need an alternate voice to push the message. They know people are on to their scam and won’t listen to those who have already destroyed our economy.
So, whether they meant to do it or not, these doctors are being used to push an agenda. They may be completely innocent in what they have done to push the narrative or they may be complicit. That I don’t know. The guilty party here is YouTube, who is in the pocket of the criminal class because now everyone is scrambling to view and share this “restricted” information. Be smarter than that.
Don’t submit to testing. They can and will be rigged and don’t tell anything anyway. The so-called virus has NEVER been isolated and proven to be a contagion using Koch’s Postulates. So, what are they testing for? RNA strands that appear in everyone who is basically sick. They prove nothing and “anti-bodies” for CV-1984 is a lie. We are being told to take KNOWN LIARS at their word anyway. Proof of the agenda is in the pictures and previous posts. We must push back. This is a trap. Stay vigilant always…
Here is my original post:
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