It’s not about “justice” or “equality.” It is about blind rage, complete ignorance of our history and a society on edge from the false reality created by an absolutely disgusting media machine. This summer of RAGE is being brought to you by the Open Society Foundation (among MANY others) and orchestrated from behind the scenes to fan the flames of unjustifiable indignation. It’s an attack on America, itself.
Case in point right here. A statue of a man who DIED valiantly fighting to FREE THE SLAVES and was yet another abolitionist from my home state of Wisconsin had his memory and all that he stood for completely DESECRATED last night by a horde of completely animalistic and mindless MORONS as they tore it down and threw it into the lake.
I grew up in Ripon, Wisconsin. At least my formidable years from pre-school until I was 10. This idyllic little town was the birthplace of the Republican Party in 1854 and it was the very FIRST political party founded on the primary platform of ABOLISHING SLAVERY!! Yet, our compulsory government “education” system, abysmal media talking heads, and government itself has completely turned history upside down.
The K K K was founded by Democrats. But, so many African Americans seem to think that the Demoncrats are the party of the people and will fight for their “rights.” You couldn’t be further from the truth. THEY put you into a state of welfare by design and there are MANY successful and respected black historians who will tell you the same. Their voices are silenced in the Main Stream, however…
Grow up and learn a little history. Learn the truth about how our education system, health system, media system, monetary system, and government were ALL hijacked to destroy this nation from within. Here we are. Look around. Mission accomplished. Will we turn it around? Or will we just continue to let these spoiled rotten and glaringly IGNORANT children destroy all that IS good about America? Yeah, we have LOTS of problems that need fixing and the 2 party, false left/right paradigm political system is just one of them and a good place to start. RINOs and DEMONcrats, alike need to be RUN out of the District of Criminals! They’re in it for their own power and self-aggrandizement. The source of ALL solutions, however, lies in the forces and ideology of Natural Law.
Feel free to check out my website and blog for more information. Subscribe to my email and follow me on Instagram and Twitter (links on the website.) This is the year we MUST take back our nation because the enemy’s agenda is at full throttle and there is no time to waste.
More to come… 

My site and blog: www.livingwellvnl.com
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