Who Ought Control Your Life?

Our liberties are once again being willingly given up under yet another delusion. History repeats over and over and over and over… When will humanity learn?
Why do we do what lawyers, politicians, media talking heads, and even the blind followers of all of these wretched scum that fill the ranks of the “authorities and experts” tell us to; when reason, justice, true humanity and Natural Law tell us something completely different? Ought we continue to listen to the parasitic criminal class herding humanity to its slaughter, or ought we stand up for common sense and TRUE science!?!
We are the true sovereigns. We were BORN free, and yet we’ve been enslaved through massive delusion. It began with a birth certificate that converted us from a free human being to a bonded slave. It’s only gotten worse since then; when instead we could all be THRIVING on this planet in this experience called life. The world operates in a false reality and has been for generation after generation. It is time to break the chains of our invisible bondage…
20/20 is perfect vision. 2020 is the perfect year for clarity and to open our eyes! The enemy has shown their true character more than ever before. They have enslaved us in our homes over a delusion. They have stolen our livelihoods, our wealth and our sense of security. They continue the delusion with false statistics and flawed “science” all in the name of “safety” when our safety as well as our freedom is only ensured by our knowing the TRUTH. They have muzzled us and told us to separate when we need more than ever to communicate and unite!
Can’t the masses see the plan?! The liars have been exposed. It is clear beyond any shred of doubt. It is the year of The Great Awakening. We ought to do what is right. Once and for all. Humanity must rise from it’s knees and take back its power if we ever hope to be free and safe from delusion ever again. ✊🏻✊✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🧠☯️💗💓❤️
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