Posted to Facebook on July 17, 2020
The “Second Wave” that is continuing to devastate small businesses, families and individuals financially, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and all manner of negative effects is all based on “numbers” of “infected” cases. NOT “deaths.” NOT an actual “pandemic.” Nothing of the sort. Increase testing and the numbers are going to go up. It’s common fucking sense. But, then you have the media hype and the ignorance of the masses added to the equation and we have a catastrophe of Biblical proportions. All based on a MASSIVE LIE.
So, what are “they” actually “testing” for anyway?! I know, everyone thinks it is for the actual “virus” they beLIEve is making everyone sick and yet, very, VERY few die to a point that it is statistically insignificant. And even THOSE numbers are rigged and manipulated. But, what if it was ALL a fucking LIE!?! The tests themselves pick up nothing but the evidence in the blood of any number of corona viruses – something which EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING HAS IN THEIR BODIES!!! The amount of corona virus in the blood at any given time is based on the individual’s current level of toxicity. (The more toxic, the more corona virus the body will produce – and we live in a VERY toxic world!) And one of the greatest causes of toxicity in the body is guess what?! FEAR!! However, the supposed CV-1984 has still never been proven to exist and/or cause a disease. NEVER.
We are only TOLD by “authorities” that it has and that we had BETTER comply with ALL OF THEIR DEMANDS, OR ELSE!! This is nothing more than DOGMA. We are living in a new Dark Age and to speak out against the new Priest Class (The Medical Mafia and Big Pharma Cartel) is BLASPHEMY and HERESY punishable by censorship, ridicule and who KNOWS what is coming down the tyrannical pike on our continued road to perdition. You could help to stop it at any time. We’re waiting…
For all those who still beLIEve the propaganda and pure shit coming from government, NGOs, ‘philanthropies,’ un-elected billionaires, or ANYTHING from corporate controlled and now fully weaponized MAIN STREAM MEDIA, understand that YOU are the fucking PROBLEM WITH SOCIETY and HUMANITY, in general. What the FUCK is wrong with your heads?!? It is YOUR poorly formed and never once challenged “OPINIONS” that has brought us this destruction of society. YOU. ALL OF YOU!!! You form a collective ANCHOR that will drag ALL of humanity into the fucking abyss never to escape from again. Do you REALIZE this yet!?! Do you SEE history repeating itself?!?! Or are you TOO blinded by the FEAR created when you turn on your God-Damned TVs!?!?! Your masked faces make me want to VOMIT every time I see another one, which is EVERYWHERE I turn these days!!! Your government and the MEDIA are your ENEMY!
The “tests” being used to continue the clamp-down on MILLIONS around the world to calm your 100% IRRATIONAL fears are all fucking FAKE!!! The Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, even warned against using it for DIAGNOSING DISEASE!! And what a more PERFECT psyop than to use something for which EVERYONE will test positive if the “test” is set to the right level of “cycles.” Yes, they can be completely RIGGED at the source, too. Perhaps THIS is how 333 testing stations in Florida reported 100% POSITIVE results of EVERY SINGLE test taken this week?!?! Wow. How CONvenient, no?!?
But, you’re too fucking STUPID and LAZY to go and research ANYTHING! Can you SEE the problem here?! Can you admit that you and your GROUPTHINK mindlessness is causing all of this misery in the world? You could use your fucking heads for something other than a hat rack or hairdo for a change, but you won’t. You were never taught HOW to think. You were only taught WHAT to think and how to memorize and regurgitate. Period. Yes, your compulsory government “schooling” was for pure indoctrination. Period. Look at you now. Completely submissive to their whims and unable to challenge the LOGIC of anything they are telling you. Pathetic. All of you.
MOST of what you believe is a lie. Until you realize that, you will NEVER experience free will as we should have. Look in the mirror. See that? That is the problem with humanity. Have enough humility to realize THAT and stop making fun of all those who are out here trying to free you from your mental slavery and maybe, just MAYBE we have a chance of turning this around. There was a certain flag during the Revolutionary War for American Independence that read, “Join, or Die.” We can and will save you from the fate we all know you are headed towards. But, you must join the cause. You must awaken from your MEDIA induced slumber.
We are the enlightened. We are the educated. We are the critical thinkers and intellectuals of the day. We ARE the resistance that will lead you to a better world and the ultimate freedom you have never yet experienced. Let go of the FEAR and feel the LOVE of those who are trying to help you. And yes, sometimes, TOUGH LOVE is what you need to snap you out of your complacency. If any of my language here was “offensive” to you, perhaps think about how OFFENSIVE the LIES you choose to believe are to everyone else and the future of humanity. Your choice. Your move…
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