Boiling the Frog

Originally posted to Facebook on April 30, 2020

If you won’t spend 2 minutes reading this because our attention spans have been reduced to that of a goldfish via decades of social engineering, consider yourself part of the problem…
Does anyone see the naked assault on everything we hold dear yet? Does freedom mean anything to anyone, anymore? Does anyone understand the nature of the massive black operation being carried out on the world yet?
Imagine if, on March 11th, we had been told that the world would need to shut down indefinitely, and we would NOT be ALLOWED to get back to our “normal” lives unless and until everyone had been tested for, and/or proven themselves to be “negative” for some fictitious disease or positive for some fictitious “anti-bodies” to a manufactured, illusory “contagion” and that you would be put into a database, and your movements tracked, traced, and put into an algorithm to see who you have come into contact with. Sounds fucking CRAZY, right?!? And we would have said, WTF?! Why?! GTFOH!! Well, that is EXACTLY what they are doing.
But, they couldn’t come right out with it. They had to slowly raise the temperature and brainwash the public over the space of 7-8 weeks with their 24/7 fear porn coverage of the “phantom menace.” Throw them a bone ($1200) here and there to get them to remain docile. Tell them it will be over soon. “Just trust us.” Fill their heads with FEAR so great that they would worry about everyone they came in contact with. Manipulate the statistics to fan the flames. Use scary colors like red on a black background for further effect! Make it look like all the scary movies they have been predictively programmed with for years. Let them know that the only way to stay safe was to hide in their homes and to wear masks and gloves when in public and to, above all, just FOLLOW ORDERS from your “leaders.” Tell them they absolutely NEEDED to remain 6 feet from anyone else. I know, again, it sounds FUCKING insane. But, that’s exactly what they did. Just look at our new, manufactured “reality.”
Welcome to the New World Order that all those “crazy conspiracy theorists” have tried to warn you about for years. It’s not pretty and it’s only going to get uglier. Will you resist? Will you demand your God given RIGHTS to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Or will you submit to eternal slavery and submission to EVERY insane mandate they have been planning for decades. Because that is their plan. Make no mistake about it. If you’re not spending hours every day learning everything you can about Agenda 21, SDG 2030 (the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030), then you are not in the fight and don’t care about freedom at all.
This is REAL. This is NOT lies or hyperbole. If you want that, turn on the TV. I have spent 13 years and over 35,000 hours of my life researching this for no pay while the world was partying and entertaining themselves. I didn’t know when they would pull the trigger, or necessarily how, but I knew I would know it exactly when I saw it. And I knew it on March 11th, without a doubt in my mind. This is the BIG move to destroy the global economy, all nations and our way of life. This is not a drill. All I know for sure is if you lose YOUR freedom, it will mean I have lost mine as well. That is why I am being so vocal and doing what I have been for the past month now. I KNOW THEIR PLANS and they do not bode well for ANYONE except for them. It’s time to wake the fuck up, educate yourself, educate others and take action. It cannot be violent. They are expecting and have prepared for that. The next rEVOLution HAS to be one of the mind. Only the TRUTH will set us free. More to come…
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Matthew 7:7
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4:6
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32
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