Philanthropist v Psychopath

Originally Posted to Facebook on May 16, 2020

I first heard the story of Scott Harrison last year as I was in the process of reprogramming my mind from a perspective scarcity to that of abundance. I didn’t realize the damage I had been doing to my well-being for all those years by maintaining that scarcity/survival mindset. I came across an interview he had done with Lewis Howes on his “School of Greatness” podcast. It was a compelling story of a man who came from a life of excess and debauchery and realized he was wasting his life before he found his true purpose.
In 2006, Scott started a charity called, “Charity: Water” that helps to bring clean water pumping facilities to third world nations and, in turn begin to increase the quality of living and health to those communities in dire need. In 14 years, he has done more for these communities with millions in donations for water projects than Bill Gates has done with billions for vaccines that has only harmed hundreds of thousands of children globally. As of today, Scott’s charity has helped to provide clean water to over 10.7 million of the world’s poorest who had no or very limited access before.
If Bill Gates truly wanted to help the world, he could and would be helping to build infrastructure in these countries to help lift them out of poverty. But, he doesn’t. His only goal is profit for his tax shelter/money-laundering organization and depopulation. One of these men is a true philanthropist helping humanity in the most essential way possible, but most have never heard of him. The other is a psychopath that is determined to poison the entire world.
Bill Gates is NO philanthropist. Need I say more…?
The video below shows what true philanthropy and helping lift others up to increase their standard of living can do. I couldn’t make it through this video without tearing up at least 4 times. This is the kind of world we could have if the psychopaths in power could be exposed and their “power” eliminated. That is going to take a critical mass awakening of our true reality and their ultimate tyrannical intentions. And THAT is the root at which we all must be striking…
More to come…😉😊❤️
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