The Final rEVOLution

In the closing years of his life, Aldous Huxley openly admitted that all of his writing, especially the themes upon which “Brave New World” revolved around, were in fact, the stated goals of The Fabian Society, The Cecil Rhodes Round Table (and all global “think tanks” thereof) to ultimately dominate the entire planet. With the nonstop efforts to understand and “hack” the human mind and subvert free will via many different methods, they have come very, very close now to completely achieving their goals. But, there is still time for us to choose a different path.

The question is, will humanity heed the warnings that Huxley communicated in his waning years or will we willfully submit to the quiet weapons that have been directed against us in a silent war over the decades? We still have our free will, somewhere deep within our subconscious mind and psyche. We still have the ability to defeat this agenda. Their greatest fear is a mass awakening and the reclamation of our innate Natural Rights and POWER to say, “NO, I WILL NOT SUBMIT!!!” We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. There is no hero coming to save the day. There is no savior riding in on a white horse or descending from the heavens. Stop giving away your power to the “hope” that someone else will do all the work for you.
We were given consciousness, free will and a MIND to figure out how to create Heaven on Earth. We can still do that, for now. But, the enemy is closing in and using all of the weapons they have at their disposal to control the narrative and silence those of us attempting to awaken and save humanity from their pre-determined plan of complete enslavement. The time is now because the window to free ourselves is closing and doing so rapidly. Their plans are clearly stated and documented for the entire world to see. All we need to do is seek the truth, learn the truth, know our true power and we can ALL be set free. The Final rEVOLution MUST be won by the good guys. You know who we are. We need numbers and they are growing every day. The battle is far from over, but it is one that needs to be fought daily. I am in the fight to the end, regardless of the outcome.
Who’s with me…? 🤔😊✊❤️☯️🌎🌍🌏
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