Propaganda and The Big Lie

Originally Posted to Facebook on May 13, 2020
Nine weeks ago today, the world was attacked by a global criminal cabal so entrenched in the world’s governments, that the only hope for humanity to escape its grip is to awaken en masse to the lies that have enslaved us for millennia. Initially we were told that we would all need to cooperate with a “lockdown” and quarantine of the “non-essential” population to “flatten the curve.” We were told given an “incubation period” of 14 days, that within a matter of weeks everything would be able to return to normal. Well, we were lied to on a MASSIVE scale. Here we are, over 2 MONTHS later and no return to “normal” is on the horizon.
We have been bombarded with a non-stop barrage of media propaganda from the 24/7 “news” cycle that has completely been hijacked to deliver only the “official narrative” because going against it or asking critical thinking questions is no longer allowed in the “land of the free and home of the brave.” This is a black psychological operation so massive that one has never been executed on such a wide scale before. This is clear because every corrupt government on this planet (hint: they ALL are) is operating in lockstep with directives created by un-elected and unaccountable non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and “philanthropies,” again, without question or debate. Just do as you are told and we will ensure your “safety.” It’s ALWAYS about our “safety” and how benevolent they are, isn’t it?! Smells like BS to me.
Millions are suffering and struggling and all we’re given is one excuse after another, new rules and dictates, further restriction of our “freedom” and threat after threat of a “new normal” to include incredible and draconian violations of our privacy and restrictions on our freedom. NO, THANK YOU, but NO!! You are NOT the masters of reality OR our lives!! This isn’t for anyone’s “safety” and if you can’t figure that out by now, well, please don’t even THINK about voting anymore. You and your abysmally formed opinions ARE the problem with humanity.
I’m sick and tired of the entire world pretending like this is an actual “pandemic” when it is not. I’m tired of living in this false reality created to make us give up our rights. How can so many be so fooled? I actually DO know the answers to that seemingly rhetorical question and those will be coming in the days to come. It is time to recenter, refocus and define action steps moving forward. As Thoreau proclaimed long ago, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” I intend to strike firmly at the root.
More to come soon. Stay vigilant, remain positive and stay tuned…
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