Silencing the Social Media “Karens”

Over the span of about a week, I was attacked by a handful of “Karens” on Facebook for expressing my educated opinions on vaccines.  This was the last of the attacks, because, clearly they have nothing in their arsenal to refute the TRUTH.  Not a single one of them came back with any response to any of my enlightenment, so hopefully seeds were planted.  All they have is falsely created beliefs which they formed by an indoctrination system created by Big Pharma to perpetuate a false paradigm that only enriches a few at the expense of the many and the health of billions.  This ideology must be shattered. 

Originally Posted to Facebook April 21, 2020

Ugh… Yet another “Karen” who refused to use her head for something other than a hairdo. These people are SO convinced they are right without a second of research that challenges their false rhetoric. She laughed at my post within 30 seconds of me hitting return, so I know she didn’t bother to read it. This is the kind of arrogance, apathy and ignorance we are dealing with. 🙄☹️ They will be the downfall of humanity… Enjoy.

My Repsonse:
Jessica Abigail I don’t trust anything coming from Big Pharma because I’ve done my research. To be a critical thinker and arrive at the TRUTH, you need to apply the Trivium, Socratic AND scientific methods to verify your rhetoric. If you have not done so (and you have not, or you would change your opinion as many millions of others have) you would understand that you have been deceived. You must research and understand the Grammar and Logic to justify your rhetoric. You must realize that the CDC has said in Congress that no vaccine has ever been proven safe or effective. You must follow the money and see the corruption and realize who benefits from the population believing in your opinion.
I have done all of the above and then some. I understand that the entire medical education system was hijacked by the Rockfeller tax exempt foundations and Abraham Flexner 110 years ago and the damage that has done to our understanding of health and immunity. You should do the same.
In matters of objective reality, our opinions are not a RIGHT, but a RESPONSIBILITY. Because if you act on information that is objectively false and unaligned with the laws of nature, you WILL bear the consequences of the wrong action. It’s all Natural Law and the entire vaccine agenda is in violation of such. Many have tried to sound the alarm over the decades, but the public consciousness and thus, majority opinion is formed by those with the money and power to control the narrative and the media that programs those ideas into your mind.
Please do a little more research, not only for your health, but for the good of all humanity. Peace. 😉😊🌎☯️
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