Originally Posted to Facebook on July 9, 2020
The gauntlet has been thrown down at the feet of humanity. The enemy has been fully uncloaked and revealed. Their plans for the future of humanity are crystal clear; complete enslavement of our minds and bodies as they institute technocratic control over every aspect of our lives. That is the farthest thing from freedom one can imagine. They now have the technology in place to implement a control grid only dreamed about by the worst authoritarian psychopaths throughout history.
The next 6 months will be among the most momentous in human history and you have been blessed enough to be alive and partake in it! Do not stand by the sidelines and watch this go by as a mere spectator. Be a part of The Great Awakening! Be part of the next great leap in human evolution! Learn, share, teach, and ascend to a higher level of consciousness! Fully unlock your mind and the minds of others! The enemy is weak and pathetic and do what they do because they are terrified that we will unite and create a world based in LOVE and creativity in opposition and rejection of the FEAR and destruction they use to control everything.
They are outnumbered by a factor of tens of thousands to one. They use lies, deception, fraud and force to control the world when truth, honesty, cooperation and voluntary interaction is the Natural Order. They know that if we were to unite and realize this fundamental universal and objective reality that their power over us evaporates!! This is why they do what they do. It is all about controlling what we believe and what we are able to think. This is the very essence of MIND CONTROL and they have been hard at work mastering these techniques for generations. Looking around today with so many living in fear of a completely manufactured lie and nonexistent “contagion” shows just how well they have succeeded.
But, what they don’t understand is the deeply innate human desire to be FREE. It lies within every single one of us and we only submit to the oppressive nature of government and their completely unlawful dictates over our lives because that is all we have ever known. That is about to change and we are on the cusp of embarking on the greatest adventure humanity will have ever experienced. The new world will be one in which the minds of billions are FREED from the mental slavery under which we have lived our entire lives.
Millions have already broken free of these chains and are uniting in groups already. If you are in my friends’ list or following my work, you are already one of those millions. This massive, worldwide attack on humanity has brought us together and the solutions to defeating the enemy that has done this to us are becoming self-evident. So many people out there are creating content and taking action to free humanity from our captors. I can see no way that it cannot manifest at this point. The more they attack, the more they awaken the sleeping GIANT!
I’ve had my ups and downs over the past 4 months in wondering which path humanity will choose to take. And, I’ve been frustrated and angered with the apathy and blind obedience I’ve seen. But, then I see videos out there of so many people taking so much action that it buoys my optimism once again. I can feel the energy. I can feel the shift. I can feel the frustration amongst the obedient as to why they are still complying. They are looking for answers. They are looking for strength. They are looking for TRUTH. They are seeking new leaders to guide them out of the darkness. That is where we ALL come in.
Unity is essential. There are many people working on their own ideas for a better society and they need to be allowed to fully express their vision individually. Then, as more people become awakened and aware of the current zeitgeist, the valid and workable solutions will emerge to replace the dying paradigm. This is how it can and must happen. There needs to be no violence or force and the transition to an abundant world for everyone is possible. Humanity can be freed by simply realizing a better idea and accepting the responsibility to work on implementing that one. It’s been said that, “if you create a better mouse trap, the world will beat a path to your door.” The better mouse trap is being created now…
Because any idea based in objective truth and Natural Law is clearly superior to the system in which we all currently tolerate as, “just the way things are.” Well, they don’t HAVE to be that way any longer and “they way things are” will soon become “the way things were” under the old paradigm of control being replaced. WE have the power to change our minds and our lives individually, and we can do so collectively and cooperatively as well! It only takes the will and desire for a better world and I believe at this point EVERYONE alive and not part of the ruling criminal class wants something different than what we have. And the United Nation’s & World Economic Forum’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” “Agenda 21-SDG 2030,” and “The Great Reset” are NOT the answer for a free and thriving world. THAT is the prison they are only promoting as our saving grace. Do NOT be fooled by this Trojan Horse. It is the death of humanity.
That something different will emerge this year. It must because the doors are closing, and fast. They wouldn’t have made the big move if they hadn’t planned on clamping down quickly. And look at how quickly they have instituted their will from March 11th onward. Things have only gotten worse and every single decision being imposed on society is based on one fabricated and statistically insignificant deception after another. Every part about this screams, “PSYOP!!!” There is nothing true about this at all. But, there will be more of that to come. We must stop believing the lies and call out the corporate-controlled media as a primary enemy of humanity!
The purpose of this message is simple. Remain positive. Understand that we are ALL a part of the most incredible event in human history and we all have a role to play.
We are in the dark and scary forest right now and there are demons waiting to attack us behind every tree. But, there is a light on the horizon; at the distant edge of the forest. It is the world we have wished we could have our entire lives. It is waiting for us to arrive. We have been forced to fight this battle by the abject enemy of humanity, but it is a fight in which we must engage to get to the other side. There is no going back. The world from which we came was built by the enemy and is no longer viable to sustain an evolving species. Everything can and will be better. It’s just a matter of time, effort and will. Never give up. Never submit. Never comply with violations of your Natural Rights or Natural Law. We are the sovereigns and we will reign once again as we are meant to.

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