Welcome to my humble little corner of the Internet. I’ve been fortunate to have had the time and curiosity to learn an incredible amount of information over the past 3 decades that is foreign to most people primarily because it’s never taught to us in our “education” system and not really spoken about in every day conversation. It’s been a long path to this point, but I realize now it is my life’s calling to embark upon what I am about to and share what I’ve learned over the past few decades of my life. More importantly, it is information that has greatly transformed the quality and outlook of my life as well as had an overwhelmingly positive effect on my mind, body, overall health, and spirit.
In 1998, I was a lost soul, trapped in a life and job I didn’t find fulfilling in the least. My health was declining from weekend after weekend of partying and binge drinking, unhealthy food and a body attempting to recover from the damage I was inflicting daily. I was depressed and didn’t have much direction.

Looking back, I realize now, that I subconsciously got myself fired from that job; one in which I had just broken the 5-figure monthly income barrier for the first time in my life. But, the money didn’t really matter to me because I wasn’t close to what I would define as “happy.” I was 31 and had no idea what I wanted in life, but I knew for sure it wasn’t the daily grind that so many accept as their fate in life and never bother to find their true bliss because of fear or the safety net of “security.”

I know there are millions of people in this world in the exact same place I was 21 years ago. And I also know that they, too, are looking for a way out; a way to pursue their passions in life and to live on their own terms. The content within this website, my YouTube Channel, Facebook and Instagram is going to show and hopefully motivate people how to understand, harness and implement the most powerful force in the universe to dramatically change their lives for the better. It’s a concept or ideology I finally learned in just the past 8 years or so, and slowly began to develop and apply in all aspects of my life. Now, at 52, I am at my peak level of health, in the top shape of my life and more optimistic about my future than ever before!
That “concept” and what I now know to be the most powerful force in the universe because it touches everything in existence every second of every day, is Natural Law. It’s an umbrella term that encompasses every one of the infinite laws pertaining to the natural state of everything; physical, metaphysical and whether known, unknown, scientifically proven or not, it is always in effect.
It’s in understanding its subtle power over everything and that there are negative consequences for each and every violation of these laws or positive benefits for aligning with them, that allows the individual to shift their perception from the way
they currently see reality to one which coincides with objective truth and thus, align their decisions and actions to fall within the confines of Natural Law that drastically improves the quality of their life. Natural Law IS everything, and in the end, objective truth is all that matters and all that will be manifested regardless of our feelings or subjective opinions on matters that fall under the omnipotent power of Natural Law.

What I will be sharing with everyone who stumbles across this site or into my sphere of influence is what I have learned and implemented myself to achieve optimal health and fitness through constant personal development and to finally move forward in life with a positive mindset of abundance and wealth over the negative and debilitating mindset of survival and scarcity that defined much of my life for the past 20+ years. But, as in life, it’s all a learning process and we’re all on our own journeys at our own pace. However, one thing I know beyond a shadow of any doubt is that the closer we align our lives with Natural Law, the better our lives get in every way possible.
So, feel free to subscribe to my email list and YouTube channel as I begin to share what I have done to get to this point in my life, on my own terms and by taking the time to invest in my mind, body and soul. It’s a journey I’m overjoyed to have taken and realize I wouldn’t be the person I am today without having done so. I also know that learning and implementing this concept can vastly improve the life of anyone willing to invest the same effort in themself as I have done for myself.