It feels as if the world is collectively going insane. The seemingly incremental and progressive slow fade into the abyss of complete submission to fear is not normal and is (a word we’ve heard way too much of lately), unprecedented. For the most part, society and most economic activity has come to a grinding halt world wide. And for what?
I believe I’ve figured out the primary problem with humanity. Our major fault or the kink in our armor. Our Achilles heel.
Most people in this world are operating under misinformation, false beliefs, blatant lies or dangerous dogma they willfully accept as objective truth. When in reality, we live in a world which George Orwell referred to in his masterpiece, “1984,” as one of “universal deceit.” Telling the truth today is truly a revolutionary act. It can get you ridiculed, censored, fired, marginalized, ostracized, imprisoned or even killed.
And yet our survival instinct implores us to do what we fully believe to be in our best interest. The decisions we make and the actions we take are all based on the information we consume on a daily basis and have accumulated over an entire lifetime. We are all, essentially, a culmination of our beliefs, life experiences and acquired knowledge. But our decisions and actions, and thus any outcomes thereof, are only as good as the information on which they’re based. Our beliefs ultimately define the quality of our lives.
What happens, then, if the information we believe to be objective truth is actually false? What then?
The education and marketing company I founded in May of 2019 is based on the understanding and ideology that Natural Law is the all-encompassing force that controls everything in the universe. It is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Should we violate any of it’s constraints, chances are we will pay for such violations in negative consequences. We may escape them for a while, but it will always catch up, eventually.
However, if we live within the physically and morally acceptable and defined limits of these laws, then we are rewarded with positive outcomes to our actions. The closer we align our lives with these universal laws of nature, the more our lives improve and the less problems we encounter. Ultimately, it is a very simple and empowering way to live, but it’s in understanding how to discern truth from fiction that is the difficult part. And humanity seems to be struggling with that; falling prey over and over to abject lies, false rhetoric or one logical fallacy after another. Especially that of argumentum ad verecundiam, or appeal to authority.
For the roughly 6000 years of recorded history, going all the way back to ancient Sumeria, there has been what I believe to be an unnatural power structure in the world. It is a top-down, command and control mechanism in which a certain class if people have figured out that the control of information and the use of fear, intimidation and force is the best way to control large masses of population – and to extract the wealth of their labor for selfish ends. Lust for power and greed dominates this hierarchical structure. It is also a gross violation of individual rights and Natural Law.
The lower classes for millennia were forbidden by the ruling classes to educate themselves for fear of leveling the playing field and upsetting this power paradigm. This has led to an imbalance in power and the ultimate enslavement of mass populations. As Goethe surmised, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Yes, we can be and are enslaved by our beliefs.
Now, many people will argue that by observing nature, this social structure and a hierarchy is the natural state of being. And they would be right in many, if not most species. What they discount is the highly refined level of consciousness that separates us from all other species on this planet. We are the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder on earth, and thus, the stewards of this tiny spec we call home in the infinite expanse of the universe. A world Carl Sagan referred to as a “tiny blue dot” in a relatively small solar system of an even larger, yet insignificant galaxy among millions of others universally. In the grand scheme, we are all microscopic.
But, here we are. Living our lives and attempting to make the best of our reality. Each of us players on this grand stage doing what we can to live life to the best of our ability and knowledge. The question is, what if we’re still operating under that same top-down, command and control power paradigm that has been in existence for all of recorded human history and most of us are completely unaware of it? What if free will is merely a manufactured illusion? And what if those at the top of this hierarchy under which we have been living for millennia are hoarding the wealth of this planet and ultimately destroying the place we all call home? What future does that hold for our progeny if this paradigm isn’t shattered and left to the trash pile of history?
I recently added a new category to my website blog entitled “Questions.” Why questions? Because in addition to scientific, it is via the Socratic and trivium methods of critical thinking that members of our species arrive at the truth about things and are then able to make truly informed decisions. But, what if this method of arriving at truth was hidden from the masses or purposely removed from the curriculum taught in schools? What if entire societies were taught not HOW to think, but simply WHAT to think? What would the world look like then? I think it would look very similar to the world in which we all live right now. Because the work of Charlotte Iserbyt, John Taylor Gatto, and Dorothy Sayers, among many others, has proven this to be exactly what has happened to society.
The Gutenberg printing press brought us the Enlightenment, the Renaissance and the rise of the middle class. Access to information changed the path of humanity for the better and empowered people to take their power back from those who had controlled them for centuries. However, control and manipulation of information over the past century and a half (with the express purpose of bringing the masses to heel once again) has sent us back on a downward spiral towards a new dark age. The sole game changer in this equation was the advent and global spread of the Internet. But, it is merely another tool that can be used for good or for evil. It is up to the individual to discern the validity of information. Be wary of the same top-down control of this mode of communication as we move forward. Censorship is now rampant in what was meant to be an open forum of ideas and information.
Before I started my company last year, I had spent the relatively enormous amount of free time I had over the previous 12 years doing research for and working on what was to become a book trilogy entitled, “The Great Awakening.” Each separate volume was to cover the mind, body. and soul, respectively. When I realized last year how massive an undertaking I had bitten off, how 30,000+ hours of research, writing and editing had still not culminated in a finished product and with little light still at the end of the tunnel, I decided I needed to refocus my energy, change strategy, and alter my course. An interview I watched with Gary Vaynerchuk also convinced me that any book release by an unknown author was DOA anyway in this day and age. So, the project went on the back burner. Perhaps someday I will finish it. Perhaps not. Time will tell and the path humanity chooses to take moving forward will determine any future decisions on that matter.
What I can do, however, is share with the world the vital information I have acquired over those years and write short(ish) blog posts as well as create video content to get this information out to the masses. It is my way to do my part for what I believe to be the next great leap in human evolution – the restoration of critical thinking and personal power back to the individual and away from those who would deceive the masses for selfish gain, power and control.
If you look at the world as it is now, it is blatantly clear to see that group-think and mass control is fully in effect. Gangs of the like-mindedly ignorant hurl insults via social media at those with contradictory evidence who are imploring others to simply think and attempting to show them they are quite possibly misinformed. Merely asking questions challenging official narratives or widely held beliefs is ridiculed as “denialism” or gets one labeled the derogatory, CIA-created term, “conspiracy theorist.” Questions aren’t the danger to society. The most pernicious viral pandemics are blind faith and lack of reasoning. For they affect the mind in ways that the disease is self-imposed and the cure vehemently rejected.
The social engineers and ruling classes of this planet can essentially manipulate their populations to believe whatever it is they want them to believe through control of the media, education system and thus, the dissemination of information upon which we act and form our beliefs. Peer pressure is a powerful tool and these social engineers understand the human psyche better than the average person so that it can be used as a weapon against us. It truly is a top-down, command and control society and if your beliefs are truly not your own and not based in critical thought, objective truth, logic, or reason, the very idea of free will is virtually nonexistent.
This current global “pandemic” is a case study in this very system. When you step back and look at the numbers and “supposed danger” of this supposed corona virus that is supposedly ravaging the world, the reaction and shutdown of society simply doesn’t make any sense. At all. There have been much worse illnesses and diseases that have raged through society and humanity didn’t hit the pause button. Any critically thinking individual can take a look at the situation and surmise that something is very amiss in this equation. Clearly, this “pandemic” is cover for something much, much greater going on behind the great façde created by a monopoly-capitalist-controlled and completely biased media machine. The question is, “what IS that ‘something’?”
The purpose of my business, my ideology and my website is not to propose that I am somehow the sole proprietor or arbiter of the truth. On the contrary, I am the first to admit that not only I, but no one except those behind the deception know the real truth of the matter. All we can do as individuals and collectively as a society is to begin asking the pertinent questions that will help us to arrive at the truth and more importantly, make better decisions that will improve society. Unfortunately, I see very little questioning of any “authority” figures or any of the information we’re being given to accept as the sole objective truth – in this or any situation into which we’re collectively thrown from the current power paradigm. Everyone now just goes along to get along. Political correctness and virtue signaling has destroyed our ability to think freely and question anything. For fear of ridicule. This is the logical end of massive social engineering campaigns that date back over a century.
And therein lies the problem with society, with humanity, and with our future. No one is (or at least very few are) asking the right questions that would give individuals the correct information to make beneficial and informed decisions based in objective truth. And those who are asking the pertinent questions have their voices largely censored by the same controlled media. Two things that must be done in situations such as this are asking who truly benefits from this collective belief and following the money trail. Because in this world, money is power and power is control.
I will delve further into this particular topic currently dominating the headlines in subsequent blogs because it truly is important moving forward to understand the nature of a deliberately orchestrated psychological operation (psyop). In my research, I delved deeply into the science of propaganda and the manipulation of collective beliefs or public opinion, so it is easy to see when a psyop is being perpetrated on the unsuspecting and naïvely trusting public. But, for now, I will wrap things up in reference to the title of this article.
Truth, in the end, is all that matters and it is the responsibility of the individual to seek truth and to make the best decisions not only for their own benefit but for that of all society. A majority of mindless and ignorant people can unwittingly steer entire societies in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, that is how a democracy works and its major downside. This is why knowing, understanding and accepting truth is so vitally important. Throughout history, we have been reminded over and over that seeking truth is the key to liberty and freedom. The very word liberty has its roots in the Latin word, liber, meaning book. Books are where we acquire knowledge and only through knowledge of truth can we truly be free and express unhindered but responsible free will.
The Bible tells us in these three scriptures alone the importance of truth:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Matthew 7:7
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4:6
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32
Very few people are seeking truth these days. Very few actually know the truth on many subjects, but will act as if every opinion and bit of knowledge they have is, in fact, universal, undeniable, objective truth. You know these people. You may even be guilty. Because you or they heard it on TV or saw it on the Internet, or…(fill in the blank here). People mindlessly repeat what they hear from personally trusted sources. They have a “right” to their opinion, after all, and thus it must be infallible. And our world and all of its inhabitants are slowly being destroyed because of this arrogance, apathy and lack of curiosity. Not many ask if they, in fact, just may possibly be wrong and perhaps should change their perspective based on new and opposing information.
This is all because of ego. Ego is a major hindrance to the seeking of truth. A widely accepted cultural meme or belief that I feel is one of the biggest fallacies of all time (and most damaging) is the idea of our so-called “right” to our opinion. Opinion is just another term for belief. When applied to Natural Law, if we act on an opinion or belief that is in opposition to an objective truth or law of nature, we will pay the negative consequence, regardless of our opinion. Logically, if we actually adhere to this meme, then no one is ever wrong about anything! And we know that simply isn’t true.
So, opinions, then, when applied to objective truths are not a “right” but rather, a responsibility. Should you find that your belief or opinion is not in line with Natural Law, does it make any sense to go through life to continue denying truth? Does it make sense to attempt to create your own little subjective, false reality in opposition to objective truth? Natural Law doesn’t care about your opinions or beliefs, because your actions will manifest in true reality, regardless, in the end.
Thus, truth is all that matters. Your opinion means nothing if it is not in alignment with Natural Law and objective truth. It is the responsibility of every human being on this planet to question their most fervently held beliefs, to question their validity and veracity and to change their minds if found to be incorrect. If we had individuals, communities and entire societies doing this on a regular basis and as a way of life, we would live in a completely different, and objectively more positive reality.
And just so there is no confusion, there is a right to subjective opinion. There are things such as the arts that can be held to subjective discretion and opinion, but even in art there remain objective truths such as the Golden Mean and what is most appealing to the eye.
For anything and everything that can be proven true or false via the scientific, Socratic, and trivium methods, however, accepting and abiding by objective truth is personal responsibility. Society needs to learn this idea and begin implementing it on a personal level. Imagine the world in which we could live if everyone understood this idea and applied it to their own lives! The collective ascendance to higher levels of consciousness on a species-wide basis would shift into an accelerated pace and the next level in human evolution would be on the fast track. We could create paradise on earth if we simply changed our minds.
The pursuit of truth should be the driving intellectual force for every individual on this planet. Everything else; all false beliefs and the actions taken upon them are doing nothing more than creating a massive anchor holding humanity back from achieving our true destiny.
Seek knowledge. Set your mind free. Work to achieve your full potential. It is all of our personal responsibility to do so. The already enlightened masses await and will welcome you with open arms.
(Any loose ends or “plot holes” in this article will be tied up in upcoming blogs. In the interest of time, I wanted to keep this on the shorter side. Stay tuned and subscribe to my email list for updates on new posts.)
[…] information we believe to be objective truth is actually false? What then? Continue reading… https://livingwellvnl.com/truth-is-all-that-matters/ 0 0 votes Article […]
[…] over the past 3 weeks in understanding this phenomena have raised many questions. And again, in my previous blog, I asserted that it is only via questions that we can arrive at any semblance of truth. So, we must […]
[…] over the past 3 weeks in understanding this phenomena have raised many questions. And again, in my previous blog, I asserted that it is only via questions that we can arrive at any semblance of truth. So, we must […]