Who Will Be President on Jan 20, 2021?

 I see a LOT of speculation and hacking at the branches of evil all over the place these days. And the media is only stoking the fires of indignation. So, what is the answer to that question and why should we ALL be focusing on OTHER topics and REAL solutions instead? The clock IS ticking, after all…
Whomever the Deep State criminal cabal wants to be president will be president. Period. And please spare me your “Q” theories in the comments. You really have to ask yourself that if Trump “and the patriots” REALLY had the power you all believe they do, why he would have allowed 2020 to drag out the way it has? He could have done NUMEROUS things to expose the fraud of the phantom menace and end the scam instead of playing along and even feigning “illness.” That was such a blatant propaganda ploy that it really makes one question what was the purpose of it all. The entire ruse just beats a path, no matter how you slice it, for a Big pHARMa “solution” to the manufactured “crisis.” Purely Hegelian in nature. This is global and Trump is a bit player in the Big Game.
Also, if there are SO many “sealed indictments” and criminals walking amongst us, do you not think for a second that a few HIGH PROFILE arrests this year (or the past FOUR) would have ENSURED his win and painted him a massive hero in the eyes of the public? After all, he’s all about the image he portrays. Do you not think he would and could have done many things to improve his acceptance on the global stage? None of that has happened. But, we should just continue to “trust the plan.” Because this plan is just fantastic! Is anyone really thinking critically, or is everyone just so high on the Hopium that it’s too much of an effort? The longer you mindlessly “trust the plan” the closer to the cliff you tread. If I’m wrong, no big deal, but never forget, the system STILL remains in place. If, however, I’m RIGHT, we’re all SCREWED anyway, so why not focus on Plan B? That is something that collectively and cooperatively, WE can ensure will happen! Because WE will direct it, not some mysterious and anonymous “hero.”
But, I digress. Despite the OVERWHELMING evidence of a completely RIGGED and STOLEN “election” and the undeniable will and desire of the American People to want to restore FREEDOM in this nation, the Electoral College convenes in December and will decide the president then. And despite what happens, it is almost assuredly certain that legal challenges will drag it out even further as we descend into the promised and repeatedly foretold “Dark Winter” ahead. However, seeing the massive media push and complicity behind the Creepy Joe Biden administration and their non-stop efforts to convince the public that the Trump era is over tells me exactly who the criminals want in place to finally put the last dagger into the heart of American sovereignty, as if there has even been ANY left since 1933.
They are obviously trying to stoke a civil war in this nation and their plan is to get it EITHER way. If they give it to Creepy Joe and his partner in crime, Commiela Embarrass, the Right will revolt, and justifiably so. If they somehow overturn all the lies that have been spewed by the weaponized MEDIA MACHINE since the “election;” that a transfer of “power” and administration is a foregone conclusion and put Trump in instead, the LEFT is going to go completely apeshit and revolt in ways that make the 2020 “Summer of Rage” look tame in comparison. Either way, they win and we lose.
They’ve painted us into a corner and we MUST NOT comply with this system any longer. It is a trap and we are the prey. The parasitic and predatory class MUST be made obsolete by building a NEW and BETTER system that eliminates their illegitimate “power” over us forever!! We must THINK our way out of this – NOT fight – because that is EXACTLY what they want us to do.
I have been writing about this all year. The system and what we willfully CHOOSE to believe and act upon IS the root of evil at which I am hacking with my work. Everyone else is aimlessly hacking away at the branches in a completely futile effort which will ultimately keep this system IN PLACE; and that is what the social engineers have programmed you to do all along. Stop playing that game. You will all ultimately lose. There is a better way. And we must choose to move humanity towards a brighter future. THIS is our last chance.
I have spent 5 months putting together a website with all of the information we need to free ourselves from this system and create a better world. It exposes ALL of the lies they have told us and is an INDICTMENT on all of the crimes they have committed against humanity throughout many generations. And yet, MOST PEOPLE still think they should REMAIN IN POWER?!?! Excuse me, WHAT?!?! I shake my head every single day in disbelief at what some people think the solutions are. There is ONLY one. And it takes TIME, EFFORT and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to achieve, but nothing worth having ever came without hard work and a committed goal.
You want to be FREE?! It is up to US, ALL OF US to ensure that it happens. I have laid the path and am still working on many of the details. More video content will be coming as fast as I can create it all, but we MUST begin to think our way out of this mess into which we’ve all been forced against our will. Those who did this to us can no longer and never again be allowed to do what they have done and continue to do. Their power over the world must be rendered impotent by making their system of iron-fist control and enslavement obsolete. THEY are criminal beyond any definition of the word. It is time for the peaceful rEVOLution to commence. There is NO other way. If we FINALLY use our minds as they were intended to be used, then we can rise above all of this and create the world we were originally destined to create. The time has come… 😉😊🧠✊🏽❤️☯️
New video coming VERY SOON highlighting the main points of this new system!! Subscribe to my LBRY and BitChute channels to make sure you don’t miss a thing!
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