There is NO Virus!

Originally Posted to Facebook on April 13, 2020

Everyone in the world needs to watch this entire video and realize the level of complete deception under which we’re living not only NOW but have been for well over a CENTURY!!!

 The GREAT AWAKENING is upon all of humanity. Will we step up to the challenge that has been presented to us by our rulers and reclaim our Natural Rights, or will we cower in fear of the unknown and allow ourselves to be enslaved once again?

“My people perish for lack of knowledge…”

“Seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given…”

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free…”

Béchamp was right and Pasteur wrong. He even admitted it on his death bed and his germ theory has NEVER been proven using Koch’s postulates. Royal Raymond Rife was proving Béchamp’s theories in the early-mid 1900s when he was destroyed by the corrupt AMA, a predecessor of the CDC. Our entire world operates on a lie so massive that it is able to control our minds and entire societies.

Wrap your head around that. The cognitive dissonance was difficult even for someone as open minded as myself, but once you truly understand the body and the amazing intelligence of Natural Law, you’ll realize how evil those who run the world and control the narrative truly are. Ask yourself why David Icke’s interview on London Real was yanked so quickly. Who has the power to control the narrative…
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