The Problem With Apathy, Ignorance, and Arrogance

This is what we are dealing with, folks. I’m quite sure that everyone who has sent me a friend request in the past 2 weeks (thank you, by the way!) has dealt with this type of attitude from a multitude of their friends and family. And this is one of the core roots of the problem we face moving forward. I reached out to one of my new FB friends who simply shared a post of mine highlighting the truth about how virtually all infectious disease had dropped significantly BEFORE the introduction of ANY vac scene because of sanitation (lending more evidence to Béchamp’s terrain theory, btw).

The response of his “friend” is in the picture above and what I messaged him is in this post. It is clear what the mission for everyone of higher consciousness, who cares about humanity, our future and our world, has to be.  Many are on the fence right now, confused about the current state of the world. Some will just fully submit to whatever is demanded of them and some will fully resist. But, then there are those in the middle who are seeking answers. That is our role. To enlighten THOSE people to the reality of what is really going on and the agenda that has been implemented for the future. A future in which no one who loves freedom and free will would want to be a part. Here is what I wrote to the gentleman who shared my post. It is a message, however, I felt applied to everyone since we have ALL been exposed to this attitude in the past and will continue to be as time progresses. So I decided to make a post and share it with everyone. 🙂
“Hey Jason, I just saw your “friend” Joseph’s response to your tag. This is the world we’re dealing with. Complete apathy, arrogance and ignorance. Keep on planting seeds, my friend, but some people just need to be cut loose and learn on their own. They are, and always will be, part of the problem and will never join to be part of the solution. Thanks for the friend request and sharing my posts!! The war has only begun. The people who want to enslave humanity will NOT go away until we force THEM into submission. And that takes a CRITICAL MASS of enlightened human beings to do so. That is our mission. 😉😊
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