It’s Time to Grow Up and Stop Playing “Make Believe”

Shared from another Facebook Post on July  14, 2020

Can we all stop pretending that the CoronoLIErus is a real thing yet? I still see supposed “woke” people out there talking about the fact that is an actual “contagion” or “disease.” My challenge to you is to PROVE that stance. Because you can’t. For a psyop to work effectively, you only need to create the PERCEPTION of FEAR or an ENEMY for the masses to submit to your “protection” and will. The mafia call it a protection racket. “It’d be a real shame if….” The “enemy” does not even need to be real, and in many cases, it is better that it is not. The phantom menace will suffice as long as you have a weaponized media machine on your side.

The “second wave,” however, will be real. But it won’t be a “LIErus.” It will be some toxic agent that causes widespread illness and death, but it will be blamed on the LIErus. Because that is how these people roll. They are laughing their collective asses off at how ignorant and pathetic the world has become right now.

Moving forward, I am focusing my efforts on the solutions. Period. We all know it’s a fucking lie and that entire world is under attack. The question is, “what are we going to do about it?” I know the enemy and I know their one weakness. That is the root at which we all need to strike. The Great Awakening is the ONLY thing that will bring them down. Awareness of the crime exposes their criminality and all those whom were complicit in destroying economies and lives. Governments, corporations, media, etc… They are ALL guilty!!

It’s been 4 months now and they show NO signs of letting up. Things are only going to get worse. March 11th was our generation’s Lexington and Concord. The rEVOLution has begun…

We are a single united humanity and OUR LIVES MATTER!!! This world is ALL of ours. Not THEIRS!!! They need to know this once and for all!

2 weeks to “flatten the curve? That was a long time, a lot of lies and a lot of freedoms ago!
Dr. Stefan Lanka, fighting for your family’s future, exposing the fraudulent science behind the world-wide hoax of “COVID-19”.
“Deliberately not performing control experiments”? I wonder why?
Virologist Stefan Lanka PhD has offered his assistance to the evidently corrupt Professor Drosten in order to have the required controls performed but his offer was declined.

In the linked article Dr. Lanka even offers to pay for them to be performed AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, provided he may observe.

June 2020, From Dr. Stefan Lanka (translated from German):

“have manufactured an excuse to “lock down” the whole world with fraudulent “science” by deliberately not performing control experiments.executed elements of the offences of §7 (1) of the International Criminal Code (VStGB) “Crimes against humanity”, and other offences: Employment fraud, pretending to work as a scientist in public, but violating laws of thought, the logic of virology and the clear rules of scientific work, and fraud to gain advantage by spreading proven false facts.

These facts alone prove that Prof. Drosten’s globally effective claim that he had developed a reliable test for the alleged new virus not only violates the laws of thought and logic of virology, but that he acted and still acts with intent.
He did not accept my offer to him to carry out with me the control experiments that are mandatory in science in order to save his face.

These prescribed control experiments have not been performed or published to date. These experiments must and will prove whether the short gene sequences, which are only mentally assembled to form an alleged viral genome strand, actually originate from a virus or – as given here – are only typical components of the metabolism.

In order to avoid further damage to body and soul of people and the economy, I ask you to check the linked text “Misinterpretation Virus Part II. Beginning and End of the Corona Crisis” …

… and, if you can understand the argumentation, to spread it. In this case, please send the text to responsible persons at home and abroad, e.g. for information and to arrange for it to be sent to various governments via their ambassadors.

In the event that you receive constructive answers, please let me know.

For the Wissenschafftplus team
All the best, your Dr. Stefan Lanka”
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