Population of Crazy Town? You Decide…

Just as a casual observer here on the outside looking in, (because as my profile clearly says, I’m non-political, pro-humanity, and don’t believe in a system that uses force to impose its will on others or allows others to use that system to impose THEIR will upon others), but I came across this article and felt it is pertinent in today’s social atmosphere.

I don’t protest. I will sign online petitions sent directly to “representatives” as documented proof that they do NOT respond to constituents in any way, whatsoever, but I will not go and shout at a building begging our “masters” to loosen the chains of tyranny. It only lowers the individual to a subservient position and only reinforces their power and jurisdiction over you. It erases the very notion of our sovereignty. So, it’s not my thing. Change is coming, but it must and will be done the right way.

That said, I want to point out, again, my observations of what I have seen from many protests over the past decade or so. I’ll start with Glenn Beck’s (again, NOT a fan of that fake, neo-con, RINO) Restoring Honor rally at the Lincoln Memorial in 2010. You can search for images yourself, but there were anywhere from 87,000 to a half million people involved depending on who you believe. After all was said and done, the area looked like no one had been there at all. It was clean and pristine. No additional taxpayer money was needed for clean up because they clean up after themselves. Because conservatives overwhelmingly have respect for themselves and for others.

And this goes for all conservative based protests and rallies. The recent protests against the lock downs in many states featured armed citizens marching on State capitals demanding (begging) to be released from their homes and to be able to get back to life. Again, their demands were summarily dismissed (as they always are) and much of the nation is still under heavy restrictions because of a fictitious “contagion.” But, again, there was NO damage or rioting or defacing of building or monuments with spray paint. There was NO violence and there was NO disrespect for people or property that was not theirs to disrespect.

Cut to virtually every single “liberal” rally or protest I can remember in recent history and they are ALWAYS violent. There is inevitably graffiti, damage, destruction, chaos, RAGE and the grossest form of disrespect one can imagine as a human being. These people clearly are NOT human. They are animals. They are imposing their will upon others in response to the State imposing their will on strangers to themselves. And they feel themselves “entitled” to the imposition of THEIR will upon others. The taxpayers will ultimately bear the burden for the extensive damage THEY have caused. Not the snot-nosed little pukes themselves.

They are pissed, and rightfully so, (I have been an outspoken advocate for police reform for years) but violence never has and never will solve problems. Yet, here they are. Proving themselves to be the lowest common denominator in society, once again. They are not “liberal.” (More on that topic to come soon.) They are just petulant children who are throwing a tantrum because they haven’t gotten their way and are doing MILLIONS of dollars (if not billions by now) in damage. And for what? Good question…

Which brings up this article. I will again, just leave this here for everyone to read and ponder the words and ideas. It’s very short article with a link to the larger study, but it’s difficult to disagree with any of it, to be quite honest…


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