Posted June 8, 2020

Posted June 8, 2020

Posted June 8, 2020
Wow… NOW, if you question illegitimate “authority,” their bogus statistics and claims, and blatant propaganda to further an AGENDA, you are labeled PSYCHOPATHIC!!! Coming directly from the pseudo-scientific, pseudo-intellectual psychopaths themselves!! You cannot make this S#!T up. They have declared all out WAR on reason, critical thinking, liberty, and FREE WILL itself!! The gaslighting has hit an all time high!! Where and when will this insanity end?!?
Link to Article. (Click the picture to go to Facebook post to interact.)
Posted June 9, 2020

Posted June 9, 2020
Posted June 10, 2020

Posted June 10, 2020

Posted June 11, 2020

Posted June 11, 2020

Posted June 12, 2020

Posted June 12, 2020
ICYMI!! If you wanted to watch some of the interviews from the 5G Summit: Worldwide Call to Action last week, but were unable to due to time constraints, they are re-airing ALL 42 interviews again this weekend!!
If you want some recommendations, I would definitely check out the interviews with Dr. Martin Pall on 9 different ways wireless can cause harm and Dr. Madga Havas on biological effects of EMFs.
Patrick Wood, James Corbett and Max Igan cover the surveillance state, technocracy and the overall effects on society as our privacy gets more and more eroded as we creep further into a totalitarian system and Sayer Ji’s interview about the overall war on human consciousness are also very good!
Check out the “Schedule” tab to look at the topics covered by each speaker to find something that interests you the most. There is a WEALTH of information available to everyone in this amazing series! Check it out and learn how to better RESIST the takeover…. 😉🙂✊✊🏽✊🏿❤️☯️
Click below to register and receive a FREE “The 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective” eBook!!

Posted June 13, 2020
Again, one of the very FEW voices of reason (and by FAR, the most reasonable and well spoken) knocks it out of the park with the FACTS. I’m no fan of police brutality, illegitimate power or use of force, but the truth does not justify the outrage or destruction of our cities. 😒😔
Posted June 14, 2020

Posted June 14, 2020