Why Lies are Society’s Most Pernicious Cancer

Originally Posted to Facebook on June 7, 2020

This is the third quote I have posted from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in the past 2 months. And I will continue to use his incredible insight and intellect to further expose the reality in which we all currently exist. He lived through hell on earth under the Western-funded, Communist takeover of Russia and wrote of harrowing experiences and observations in his writings after he was freed from 8 years in the hard labor prisons of the Soviet “Gulag Archipelago.” Everything he wrote, he did as a dire warning to future societies as he personally witnessed and lived through a genocide that saw tens of millions of his countrymen die gruesome and untimely deaths at the hand of its own GOVERNMENT.
And, here we are, once again allowing history to repeat because of the majority’s willful, quite pitiful and mindless acceptance of LIES told to us by the criminal ruling class, their pathetic media minions and our abysmal, yet compulsory, “education” system. I will once again remind everyone that the answers to our problems have been taught to us over and over throughout history in writings by the wisest men of every generation, epoch, and great society; but I have always loved the way these 3 separate scriptures in another great book of wisdom spell out our path to salvation and freedom so clearly…
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Matthew 7:7
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. – John 8:32
People have become so lazy, physically and intellectually; and I know that is in large part due to our prosperity and social engineering as well as blind faith in ancient mythology. But it is causing society worldwide to crumble and for the criminal ruling class to gain a stronger and stronger foothold on power as the decay sets in. They know people will soon BEG for the pre-planned solution and once it is fully implemented, escape from its grasp will be extremely difficult, if not completely impossible. We are trapped in a wickedly-constructed Hegelian Dialectic which must be stopped and common sense restored before it is too late. They create chaos for the express purpose of instituting a new ultra-controlling and freedom-abolishing form of order in which no human who values liberty and free will would want to exist, nor have their children endure for their lifetimes.
We are being destroyed because of our lack of knowledge. We must all continue to ask, seek and knock and the answers will become self-evident. The TRUTH and its wide acceptance thereof, is, always was, and always will be the only thing that will make us free. The world in which we all envision and DESIRE to live is just a decision away. When enough unite under this new ideology of Natural Law, Natural Rights, Personal Responsibility, and Respect; and form an unstoppable force of well-intentioned positivity and energy, the world will heal. The path forward is clear and it will be documented for the world to see and follow. We must reach critical mass before The Great Awakening can manifest, but we are getting closer every day. Believe in yourself and believe that the goodness in humanity will prevail in these dark times. Never, EVER give up. ✊🏻✊✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿❤️❤️❤️🧠☯️☮️
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