Happy Independence Day?
What are we "celebrating" anyway? We're not "independent" any longer and we certainly aren't free. The Founding Fathers would be so ashamed at what America has become...
What are we "celebrating" anyway? We're not "independent" any longer and we certainly aren't free. The Founding Fathers would be so ashamed at what America has become...
It's time to drop the egos, the labels and the ideologies that no longer serve us and begin to seek objective truth in this world...
Another in a series of posts highlighting the puppet masters behind the scenes of government. These are true enemies of humanity...
This is just a short blog about the only path for humanity to take at this point. The new normal being sold is enslavement and the old normal is unacceptable. We must create an entirely new paradigm!
Posted to Facebook on May 4, 2020gov•ernverb - To control the actions or behavior of; To make and administer the public policy and affairs of (a state, for example); exercise sovereign authority over; To control the speed or magnitude of;…
In a previous post entitled, “Truth Is All That Matters,” I talked about the importance of understanding objective truth as far as our personal decisions are made. But, I didn't get into many specifics or show any examples. The importance…
It feels as if the world is collectively going insane. The seemingly incremental and progressive slow fade into the abyss of complete submission to fear is not normal and is (a word we've heard way too much of lately), unprecedented.…
We’ve been told by the government and media ad nauseam that there is a health care “crisis” in this country (America), and that the government, insurance and health care industry themselves will solve the problem. Yet, here we are, almost…
This is my first ever blog!! It explains the essence of my ideology and a very basic description of the philosophy of Natural Law. It is the root of all that is good in the world!