The Time Has Come To Reclaim Our Power

Originally Posted to Facebook on October 17, 2020

We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for. To think a completely corrupt, criminal, “all-powerful” and protected institution or establishment is going to somehow “save” us from themselves and their sinister, decades-long agenda for the complete enslavement of all humanity is to live in a complete fantasy world. Nothing will change in November. Everything for humanity will only continue to get worse until we take the personal responsibility to LEARN what we need to know, UNITE with like minded people, CREATE a critical mass, and take the necessary ACTION to make the changes protecting and ensuring OUR individual and unalienable rights, our sovereignty and a clean planet on which to live our lives in peace, optimal health, and prosperity. We’ve been living out of natural balance for generations and we’re now paying for our indiscretions and inaction. We can’t sit back and wait for others to do the work we ALL need to be doing personally.
That is the great disconnect and one that has been indoctrinated into our minds from birth. We can deprogram our minds, but it takes concerted effort, time, and will. If you want a better world and experience, it is going to be up to YOU and to ALL OF US to do our part in the coming rEVOLution. It must be peaceful and it can be. If the enemy attacks, by all means we must defend ourselves, but they will only continue to prove how illegitimate they and their supposed “power” is the more they fight to maintain the status quo and keep us under control. The more they fight and play the victim, the more they will only discredit themselves. This is Natural Law in action and they will begin to suffer the consequences of their massive violations going back generations. There are only two future paths in front of us:
The choice is ours to make. One takes constant effort, vigilance, and personal responsibility. The other requires merely submission, compliance, and sloth. The path of most resistance is the only one that has ever made us stronger and more resilient. The path of least resistance leads to atrophy and the lowest common denominator. Which world do you want for you, your children, and our collective future?
Let go of fear. Reclaim your innate courage and survival instincts. Act in love. We must prevail, but one man or a handful of people cannot do what so many “think” will be all it takes. We can’t afford to do nothing any longer… 😉😊❤️☯️
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