Originally posted to Facebook on October 16, 2020

Everyone wonders what’s wrong with people. They wonder why people can’t see the blatantly obvious right in front of their face. (Perhaps because it’s obscured by a diaper…?) 
It’s the same problem with humanity going back millennia and the greatest philosophers have spoken endlessly about it as well throughout history. If humanity is to EVER get past the hurdles keeping us from thriving in abundance on this planet, if we ever hope to evolve to higher levels of consciousness, to live in peace with one another and to be free to live our lives as we see fit without the fear of force and intimidation from illegitimate authority known as government, we must do one vital thing. THINK. We must learn to THINK for ourselves and NOT allow ourselves to be programmed any longer by external forces with an agenda that is contrary to our best interests, optimal health, and overall well-being.

So many have no idea what it means to THINK. Because what they are doing is simply repeating what they’ve been told, what they’ve heard, or what others close to them have chosen to believe. They’re mostly followers who conform to peer pressure and “societal norms” whether they make sense or not. They’re mindless. They are not thinking. They are acting and doing without thought. That leads to societal stagnation, degeneration and decay and everyone suffers as a result. The only progress society makes is progress directed by those who actually DO think. And, unfortunately, those thinkers that have directed the world to where we are today are also among the most ruthless, diabolical, and uncaring people on this planet.
This world is ruled by psychopaths. That is how we’ve gotten here. There is a mountain of evidence proving this fact beyond the shadow of any doubt by this point. You can’t fight these people, but you can make their agenda, and thus their very existence, obsolete by simply creating and sharing infinitely better ideas based in objective reality. Violence won’t work. We must THINK our way out of this mess and yes, it is still possible to do so at this point. The window of opportunity has not fully closed, but the clock is ticking and time is of the essence.
My work moving forward is going to focus on helping the world re-learn how to think critically, how to question their beliefs, how to more closely align with objective truth and Natural Law and how to truly reclaim their personal power and individual sovereignty. That is honestly our only hope. We MUST restore our ability to THINK and seek wisdom from those who reject the status quo, think outside the box, challenge “authority.” expose lies and propaganda, and do so fearlessly in the face of public shame, ridicule and controversy. And we must create a critical mass of people who understand this fact. The critical thinkers are the true leaders of our day and only they can show the world a better way to not only live, but thrive on this planet.
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