There is NO Honor, Integrity, or Morality in Government

Originally Posted to Facebook on August 22, 2020

The time has come to rethink everything and retool society in a way that truly protects individual liberty, sovereignty, and free will. A society that protects the masses from the predators and parasites who would deceive for the purpose of illegitimate profit, to control, or to do harm. What we need is a system which does that, first and foremost, as well as protects our planet and the intricate ecosystems within the laws of nature.

Anything less than that is just begging for more of the same bullshit we’ve put up with our entire lives from those who spew false rhetoric in order to gain power, wealth, and “prestige” when they have absolutely ZERO honor or intention of protecting and serving the public or our Natural Rights. Look at what they’ve done to us in just the past 5 months. We cannot solve the problems of the world with the same thinking that created them and we must think well outside of the box in which we’re currently enslaved. Abolition is the only option.

“The first danger of granting a government the ability to control us with force, is that, like any occupation, politics attracts a certain type of personality. It is comforting to believe that those attracted to politics are the best among us, and that the electoral system prevents megalomaniacs from attaining power. But, the lessons of history suggest otherwise. Like moths to a flame, centralized governments attract authoritarian and narcissistic personalities who believe they know better than the rest of us; and who experience little remorse or guilt when they manipulate, deceive, lie, or use force to sculpt society in whatever manner they please.”

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